Pasta diet, how to eat it and lose weight without giving up taste



Eat little, everything. It's a mantra that we feel repeated. To confirm its validity, this is a very large study of 189 countries over the last 52 years (1961 to 2013). The researchers recorded the habits of different countries, they evaluated their propensity to consume different foods, the greater or lesser monotony. By correlating this parameter with total life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, they concluded that there was a direct relationship between the greatest variety at the table and the increase in average life, a datum that does not change even if the different socio-economic conditions of the different countries. The reasons: changing the diet makes it possible to take a larger amount of micronutrients, such as calcium, carousel, iron, zinc, copper, vitamins B and C, while the monotony more large is badociated with an increase in glycemic load.

SAccording to recent academic research, the anti-inflammatory diet is a powerful ally of our health because it helps to lengthen life expectancy and keep us young, reducing the risk of premature death by 18%.

The study I am referring to was conducted in Sweden and involved 68,273 men and women aged 45 to 83 years. The affected people scrupulously followed an anti-inflammatory diet and saw, as we said, an overall mortality risk of 18%, 20% mortality from diseases of the heart and circulatory system and 13% of cancers. .

This result is very interesting in the light of an obvious fact: inflammation is one of the ills of our time, due to an "excessive" defense response of the body in the face of agents deemed dangerous. In the area where this process begins, several molecules are concentrated, produced by our body, which are meant to protect us. However, repeated stimuli define the triggering of an overreaction, that is, beyond the necessary framework he is responsible for a state inflammatory tissue that lasts over time and that is at the root of many chronic degenerative diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and cancer. The presence of these "inflammation molecules" is due to many stimuli but can be explained mainly by an incorrect diet, a problem typical of our current society that exceeds the consumption of meats, cheeses, snacks, fried foods, etc. simple sugars, butter, sweets, sugary drinks, refined flours … Our goal is to reduce these excess inflammatory molecules in our body. But remember: there is no miraculous food, just as there is no food to demonize in absolute terms.

We can only make the real miracle by learning to choose healthy foods and to match them properly. In this issue of Natural Health Extra, we outline the basic rules for making our body the essential nutrients, seek (at the same time) the pleasure of eating at the same time. The diet we are talking about can become a real elixir of long life, which helps you stay young and healthy, significantly reducing the risk of developing diseases that put us in great danger.

Doctors of the future will not prescribe drugs to teach their patients how to heal their bodies with the diet. "So wrote Thomas Edison in 1903. A prediction that has unfortunately not been realized, but which contains great intuition and truth science: we now know that with good foods we can prevent and control many diseases, even the most serious and chronic ones, and there are many studies showing how food choices can affect quality and life expectancy.

The latest study, recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition, was conducted by the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of the Mediterranean Neurological Institute of Pozzilli (Neuromed). The research involved 25,000 citizens of Molise, who were observed for eight years. Well: the results show that those who follow a Mediterranean diet (so made from fresh vegetables, in abundance, whole grains, fish, extra virgin olive oil and little meat) live longer. And if you think that at some point in life, games are created, you are wrong. The study also looked at more than 65 years (representing 5% of the sample taken into account) to conclude that those who remain faithful to the principles of the diet based on cereals, fruits and vegetables, extra virgin olive, fish and vegetables sees the risk of death 25% lower.

To return to the principle, if today's doctors (unfortunately) focus more on pills than on balanced diet, we have an essential tool to live better and longer: make the right choices, bring the right foods.

From eyes to calories

What makes the difference is the amount of food we consume. B confirms epidemiological data. "

The most perennial populations, those who live in blue areas (regions of the world with high percentages of centenarians: the Japanese island of Okinawa, V the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, the island from Ilaria in Greece, Lorna Linda in California and Sardinia) have a habit of eating little. The benefits are many: on the one hand, it reduces the overweight (cause of diseases that shorten life) and, on the other hand, it activates the cell repair mechanisms of the hypothalamus. Limiting the contribution means actually reducing daily calories by 30%, for example from 2,000 to 1,400. An alternative, it can work for me half: I do not eat fruits, cereals and derivatives, legumes, alcohol and animal protein such as milk, cheese, meat, eggs and fish. Only vegetables with a little oil, herbs and spices, lemon), water, tea and coffee, which contain polyphenols.

It only takes seven daysChanging the style of food is a goal to be achieved gradually, implies the adoption of a new lifestyle that (you will see) will give you great satisfaction. The first and most important benefit will remain invisible to the eyes: the level of inflammation will drop, the silent killer that predisposes to many diseases.

Stopping inflammation means keeping diabetes and cardiovascular disease at bay by keeping young cells from the brain to the immune system. But you will already notice changes after the first seven days of your new diet: you will feel lighter and full of energy because you can slowly clean up toxins that slow down digestion and metabolism, cause swelling and also cause congestion other vital mechanisms. of our organization.

Many think it's a real enemy for our line, but it's not like that: pasta can help you lose weight. Find out how the low calorie diet works. Tagged for many years the enemy of our physical form, the pasta it's the first food we usually ban from our table when we decide to set up a diet. But what if you said that pasta can be a help to lose weight? This is not a joke and say that it is the nutritionist Pietro Migliaccio who has developed a low calorie diet which is based precisely on pasta consumption. Here is how it works.

The properties of pasta
Pasta is often demonized by those who are attentive to their own line but who have a lot beneficial properties for our body and he should never be completely eliminated from the diet. It is rich in carbohydrates, but it comes to complex carbohydrates that do not enter the circle immediately but are absorbed slowly, thus reducing the feeling of hunger. Pasta it avoids abrupt and sudden glycemic peaks and does not contain cholesterolso that it can be inserted into hypolipidic diets, paying particular attention to condiments. It acts as an anti-stress, because it releases serotonin, better known as the hormone of good mood, and is rich in triptonan, a substance that promotes the production of hormones of well-being, which soothes nervous hunger, typical of those who follow a diet.

How the diet works
The pasta diet provides for the consumption of 1100 calories a day. Lose 1 to 2 kg per week, depending on the initial weight, and it would be better not to extend it beyond two weeks. The regime of Professor Migliaccio is based on a complete diet and introduces all the nutrients that the body needs and that are good for health. Do not miss sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, vegetables and fats, to be preferred to these vegetables. The usual ones are planned 5 meals a dayBreakfast, lunch, dinner and two clbadic snacks mid-morning and afternoon.

A plate of pasta a day
The plan provides for the contribution of a plate of pasta a day, favoring light sauces and avoiding overly greasy condiments. Pasta, better if it is al dente, should be eaten at lunch and it is better to consume all or five cereals. At dinner, however, you must consume protein foods, such as meat, fish and lean cheeses.

Pasta does not make you fat, but is important in all controlled diets and can help control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Many people who want to lose weight believe that the first foods that must be left behind are just pasta and bread. But this is not the case: it is the dose that makes the difference. The most effective slimming diets are not the ones that make us fast, but the ones that allow us to introduce a quantity of foods that provides satiety and low energy density. That's why not only fruits and vegetables are important, but it's also a good dish. pasta, seasoned perhaps with vegetable sauces.

An 80 gram portion topped with fresh tomatoes, a tablespoon of oil, preferably extra virgin olive oil and 2 teaspoons of Parmesan cheese yield about 420 kilocalories, which is even less if you use whole wheat pasta (about 400). So we get a hypolipidic food that lends itself well to a balanced diet (of course, if you do not abuse condiments) also because it provides a good amount of protein. In fact, experts suggest that the ratio between plant and animal proteins is 2: 1. Thus, dishes such as pasta and beans, pasta and chickpeas or pasta and lentils are definitely rebadess.

The important thing is that pasta is essential to prevent a low-calorie diet from causing weakness, apathy, sadness: all feelings that often result directly from a limited intake of high quality carbohydrates, such as starch contained in all foods. cereals and derivatives. Pasta puts a good mood, prevent and / or overcome the feeling of fatigue, give muscle efficiency and a good quality of life. here's why

It is the main diet of the Mediterranean diet, a set of dietary habits that act as a long-lasting elixir and an antidote against cardiovascular and cancerous diseases. If we look at the food pyramid, we see that the pasta, worthy protagonists of the cereals group, are at the base, just behind the vegetables and fruits. In a healthy and balanced diet, at least 55% of total calories must come from carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates. According to the guidelines of the correct Italian diet, the reference portion is 80 grams for dry pasta and 120 for fresh eggs, with a maximum of eight servings per week. It is estimated that for an adult, under normal conditions, about 180 grams of glucose per day are needed (final product of starch digestion) to meet energy needs (100 to 120 grams are used only for the system nervous), and our body is not able to accumulate large deposits: the supply must therefore be daily.

Because carbohydrates are an essential fuel even for our muscles, so much so that athletes consume them to improve their performance. And pasta, thanks to the fact that it has a reduced glycemic index, especially when seasoned with vegetables, is the guarantee of a better and more durable satiety, as well as a prevention and a more effective control of diabetes. In addition, it also contains a good amount of minerals, potbadium, phosphorus, calcium and some vitamins of group B. It is particularly suitable for those who need to maintain a good blood pressure.

Then it was said that it was also good for mood because it contains tryptophan, the amino acid from which our body is able to produce serotonin, which neurotransmitter that is lacking in depressive syndromes. Finally, the paste incorporates the beneficial effect of fiber on the regulation of intestinal function and on the control of cholesterol and blood sugar. Combined with vegetables such as broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and basil, Ligurian pesto or herbs is transformed into a balanced dish.

In recent decades, the use of vacuum in the industrial sector has undergone an intense evolution with increasing applications in terms of number and type. Every day we use objects from this resource: glbad bottles, various plastics and expanded materials, bricks, tiles and food products, among which pasta is distinguished.

Durum wheat semolina pasta is one of the most famous Italian products in the world. The simplicity of the product, legally constituted of two and only natural ingredients, namely semolina and water, makes it the basis of the Mediterranean diet. Industrial durum semolina pasta is produced using extrusion and drying lines mainly made in Italy, which offer high resistance to cooking and maintaining the bright yellow color, from raw materials.

Each production line has its own mixer, inside which, by computer systems, durum wheat semolina is mixed with water in appropriate proportions, in order to optimize the dough for the manufacture of different forms of pasta.

After about 20 minutes of treatment, the pulp is transferred to a smaller mixer called "vacuum". From there, the path continues under the action of a helical screw that pushes the dough against the die (different for each size) under which is placed a knife that cuts the dough to the desired length. Teflon or bronze punches are used to obtain rougher surface pastes, which are preferred by gourmets because they preserve the condiment better.

The creation of the vacuum in the kneader makes it possible to reduce, already in this phase, the moisture of the dough. To prevent the paste from accumulating, it is dried superficially, immediately after cutting, by the action of a hot air stream for a few minutes. After the pre-drying which lasts about an hour, the drying takes place for a few hours (3 or more) to reach the final moisture content of 12%. All the drying processes take place at a temperature of 90 ° C. At the end, the paste is cooled for 5 minutes at room temperature to prevent the formation of condensation during conditioning. Automatic production lines prevent human contact throughout the process, ensuring the quality of the finished product. It can be noted that in addition to the two simple basic elements, namely water and semolina, the only element contributing to the process of transformation is emptiness. Its basic task is to eliminate the air contained in the mixture.

The dough formed with insufficient vacuum is presented to the eye with different "white dots", visible only after drying, sources of porosity. A porous paste becomes incoherent during cooking, which is less of the concept of "pasta al dente". In addition, removing the air means eliminating oxygen which, in addition to the oxidation of the product, tends to discolor the typical golden yellow of wheat.

The quality of the pasta is thus conditioned by the choice of the quality of the wheat and its origin, by the water which provides the mineral salts and by the degree of vacuum which must be high and constant. Since 1923, the year of its founding, Pneumofore is engaged in the research and development of innovative, reliable, sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the field of vacuum pumps and compressors. air. The evolution has led to the transformation of the V series pumps into drop lubrication vanes (used since the 1940s) up to the UV series, characterized by unique and exclusive performance for lubricated single-stage pumps.

Applications such as pasta, bricks and foams, characterized by the presence of water vapor and water, were until a few years ago the exclusive prerogative of liquid ring pumps; today, with the use of the Pneumofore UV series of vane pumps, incomparable performance in terms of flow and vacuum level is achieved, while consuming less electricity and eliminating the need for energy. 39 environmental impact from liquids (water or oil) management due to significant procurement and disposal costs.

Given the only energy savings badociated with the limited maintenance costs, we have achieved returns that make the investments themselves impractical. In addition, through the improvement of absolute performance, the quality of products is also significantly improved.

In 1998, at Pastificio Garofalo, in the "sacred territory" of Gragnano, where pasta quality is indisputable, the first UV16 pump was installed to replace three liquid ring pumps. In addition to the elimination of problems related to water management, the electrical energy used decreased by 15%; with the same capacity, the vacuum level has increased and therefore the quality too. Currently, seven UV16 BP units and one UV8 BP are installed in this plant, confirming the reliability, consistent performance and energy savings guaranteed by the Pneumofore vacuum systems, which are reflected in the impeccable quality of the final product.

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