Pediatric transplants, call Federconsumatori against Azienda Colli


Federconsumatori will file an appeal against the "Dei Colli" Hospital Society next week in the NAPLES court for misbehavior to the detriment of pediatric patients at the currently closed Monaldi Hospital Transplant Center. "It is no longer possible – said Federconsumatori national president, Sergio Veroli – that children can not be operated on and that they must be placed in the adult cardiac surgery department. the Pediatric Center and the Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery are resuming their function, which is once again becoming an excellence as in the past.In view of the defects of the hospital – he pointed out – we address the judge by trusting that the institutions are make to feel and that answers are given to children and their families ". The lawyer Carlo Spirito works for free, while the badociation and members of the committee of parents of children transplanted Monaldi will be self-badessed for the payment of living expenses. Three, as Spirito explains, the points on which rests the appeal: the arbitrary suspension of pediatric transplantation activity by Monaldi; the organization for which children over the age of 9 are placed in adult service; the absence of validated therapeutic diagnostic leads from the company which, according to the lawyer, "undermines the entire procedure of badistance". The announcement of the legal action comes three days after the visit of the Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo, to Monaldi where he also met a delegation of the Parental Committee. "The minister," said Committee spokesperson Dafne Palmieri, "knew the situation and rebadured us of his desire" to solve the problem with the cooperation of everyone, but whatever solutions are found, we believe the parents that society has caused damage, not only to those who, unfortunately, no longer exist, do not fulfill its mission. During these four years, he continued, we have never pinpointed individuals, but we have always placed the theme of the organizational dimension, a question about which the company has had all the time to organize and fulfill its function. One problem was that of the closing of the pediatric cardiac surgery department that the small Imma hospitalized in January also treated. "My daughter – said father – Michele – is only 13 years old, and also disabled, and had to share the room with an elderly lady.This is not acceptable and this is not acceptable. It is not human that children, who are already suffering, should be placed in this way, hospitals should alleviate the inconveniences, provide adequate housing, be more humane, especially with regard to children, all this is unacceptable. "[19659002] (function (d, s, id) {
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