Perugia Hospital, successful intervention on a child of only six months: the story of Angelo


Little Angelo is good (fancy name to protect the privacy of the child) undergoing kidney surgery and just today, Saturday, June 30, was considered cured. The complex structure of pediatric surgery at the hospital of Perugia during the last semester recorded an increase in high complexity activities, also in light of an operation performed a few days ago on the small patient of a few months of life

. baby underwent surgery to remove a malignant neoplasm from the adrenal glands and, on Saturday, June 30 in the morning, the doctors, in light of the histological report, agreed with the director of the Pediatric Institute of Oncohématologie, Maurizio Caniglia that the child does not need additional treatment

"On the occasion of the visit of control – emphasizes Dr. Precipino – this decision was communicated to the parents who had entrusted us after an ultrasound, performed a month of life, who had raised the suspicion of neoplastic pathology and confirmed by appropriate diagnostic tests

The little angel, a fancy name to protect privacy , is the eldest of a couple residing in Umbria and born in Santa Maria della Misericordia at the end of November of last year.

"The surgery was radical and the child s & # 39, is restored on the first post-operative day and was released after only four days – he wants to emphasize the dott. Prestipino – We can now share with parents the joy of considering the child free of disease in light of what appears from the histological examination. "The team that performed the intervention was composed by Dr. Marco Prestipino, Berardino Melissa and Elisa Magrini, who benefited from the support of anesthesiologists, Dr. Simonetta Tesoro, Eleonora Natali and Laura Marchesini, and nurses from the operating room, Daniela Torrini and Alberto Calascione

In a press release of S. Maria della Misericordia the head of the structure Dr. Marco Prestipino, explains: "Thanks to the Shared commitment with colleagues from Pediatric Oncohematology and the pediatric group of anesthetists coordinated by Dr. Simonetta Tesoro in recent months we have treated 7 cases of malignant neoplastic pathology with absolutely comforting results. "

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