Perugia, Undersecretary Borgonzoni returns to Umbria


PERUGIA – Undersecretary for Cultural Heritage Sen.Lucia Borgonzoni returns to Umbria. The announcement of the Lega Umbria with Secretary On Virginio Caparvi and Senator Luca Briziarelli. After the recent visit to Montefalco for the exhibition "The Masterpieces of the Fourteenth Century" and in Bettona to personally admire the Villa of Boccaglione, now owned by the Department of Cultural Heritage, Senator Lucia Borgonzoni returns in the green heart of Italy. The undersecretary is indeed expected Monday, July 2 in Tuoro where, accompanied by Senator Briziarelli, he will meet the municipal administration and visit Isola Maggiore, then in the late morning will travel to Deruta to meet the first citizen, councilors and local artisans involved in the century-old MOCA problem For the senator will also be the opportunity to visit the international exhibition "Back to Deruta". In the early afternoon, Lucia Borgonzoni and parliamentarians Caparvi and Briziarelli will travel to Cannara to meet the new mayor and visit the remains of the ancient Roman city of Urvinum Hortense.

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