Pesticides accused by a French study: they would cause obesity and diabetes


According to a study by French researchers, there is a close correlation between the use of pesticides in agricultural crops and the increase in metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity

. Study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, was conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Agricultural Research and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research using mouse rats.

The results of the experiment launch a real alarm: laboratory tests show indeed clearly that rodents fed vegetables and vegetables grown with the use of the six most used pesticides in agriculture have experienced a significant increase in body fat and developed precursor signs of diabetes

Experience proves a close relationship between pesticides and metabolic diseases

The test, which lasted a year, it was conducted on mice divided into two main groups between those who ate "organic" (agricultural food produced without the use of pesticides) and those "chemical", (agricultural food grown with the use of pesticides); in the end, it was found that rodents fed with pesticide-contaminated food had increased weight and also developed warning signs of diabetes, unlike rodents who ate organic food.

According to French researchers ] the fact that rodents are fattened is proof that vi would be a close link between pesticides and the development of diseases Metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

During the year, inter alia, the publication of a research conducted by the EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) on the possible effects of pesticides on the system thyroid and nervous system is expected; research that could further increase the use of these chemical synthesis molecules used in agriculture to control pests

The Italian Association for the Environment also intervened on this subject

Dr. Antonella Litta National Referent of the Italian Medical Association for the Ambiente showed that in the last 50 years more than one hundred thousand synthetic chemical substances have been introduced in the environment, including plastics, pesticides, dioxins, molecules generated by combustion, incineration of waste and other industrial activities

These substances, in addition to the known toxic and carcinogenic effects, also produce an action of Endocrine interference capable of altering metabolism thus favoring diseases such as diabetes [VIDEO] obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc.

Dr. Litta also highlighted the damage caused by these substances to future births, as environmental pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, chemicals and industrial substances that cross the placental barrier and interfere with the evolving fetus are detected. in the umbilical cords. Healthy development from the very beginning with the design.

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