Pesticides in the city: alarm on the health risks of urban pest control against mosquitoes


We publish in full the note of information on the dangerousness of practices of chemical control against pests by mosquitoes in urban environment launched jointly by five badociations: WWF, European Consumers, Equivita, Anchise (Association of People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and FederBio as part of the National Campaign " Change the Earth ".

Italy alone uses more than 50% of the insecticides consumed each year in the EU (if we add the consumption in agricultural activities to that of highly anthropized areas ). An explanation exists: Italy is the only state in the EU where, in urban centers and with the approval of administrations, from spring to late autumn, thousands of tons of extremely toxic substances are spread on the streets, in the streets. houses, gardens, parks, schools, hospitals, etc. Why? For anti-mosquito disinfestation and, in particular, anti-mosquito-tiger (Aedes albopictus).

To justify this constant outpouring of poisons, municipal ordinances cite the tiger mosquito which potential vector of diseases such as Chikungunya and Dengue, and Culex pipiens as a vector of West Nile virus. But no statistics justify this fear Despite globalization and new mbad tourism the territory of the EU seems to have been – and still is – unscathed from native cases (which can cause epidemics) of such diseases. As a result, the widespread psychological terrorism created on the mosquito is unjustified and even more so is the spread of toxic substances into the environment, the damage of which, both to human health and to the overall biodiversity, is very concrete and serious. Even more serious because mosquitoes grow, thanks to their prolificity and their short life, increasingly resistant to chemicals thus requiring higher doses of poisons each year to combat them … unnecessarily.

It should be understood that these insecticides, like all other pesticides, have a serious adverse effect on both human health and most other living organisms (ecosystems). Moreover, accumulating with other chemical pollutants present in the environment, will produce synergistic chronic effects, the consequences of which can not even be predicted . Current studies have also highlighted chronic aspects such as, for example, accumulation in living organisms and food chains alterations of genetic function endocrine disruption, etc.

The category with the highest risk of exposure to pesticides is that of children, even when they are still in the womb: tumors in children have increased more than 20% in children twenty years (Espresso, 2007). But even the older and more numerous categories of subjects with SCM, are in danger. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is an extremely dangerous and intrusive syndrome, recognized in the United States as a social disease, with 37 million patients and also recognized in Germany as a disease, but not in Italy, where patients met in the Anchises Association

They are now proven by numerous scientific studies (see the battle against the glyphosate ) the ] negative effects of all pesticides on human health with published statistics on the most serious diseases of the century: neurodegenerative diseases tumors, malformations, infertility of the couple etc. . Recent studies have revealed that pesticides have very serious effects on the human brain (University of California, Sacramento) Nevertheless, thanks to a "psychological terrorism" orchestrated against the tiger mosquito, adulticidal disinfections with nebulizations and poisons fired even with the "canons", continue to be recommended by the public administrations, freely used in inhabited places, by private individuals and authorized companies, which represent today, for the citizens, the only form information. It is easy to understand how, in the name of "urgency", there is a risk today of promoting economic interests that have nothing to do with human health. It is also understandable that the greatest responsibility lies with the mayors who, with their "ordinances", determine whether and how the disinfestations should be performed.

But here are other contradictions on which to reflect in this suspicious history of illegality (see Article 32 of the Constitution which states that health is the first human right to to be defended): there does not seem to be any anti-mosquito disinfestation activity in the other Member States the insecticides used are minimal, about 5 or 10% of ours); Various toxic substances prohibited in agriculture and on roads in Italy are permitted in urban environments with a high population density (with non-existent or negligible precautions) for disinfestation; Insecticides drastically reduce the populations of natural predators of mosquitoes (bats, geckos, dragonflies, insectivorous birds, etc.) and other insects with the paradoxical and serious result of an increasingly abundant population precisely of this insect, the mosquito, which wants to fight; In public gardens where there is no disinfestation, there are far fewer mosquitoes. It depends on what has already been illustrated: the ability to resist poisons is growing continuously and accelerated (the more they disinfest and the more they reproduce); the disinfestations also destroy the few examples of residual biodiversity in our inhabited centers, exterminating small mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and the fundamental pollinators annihilating such as bees and butterflies.

Do it? The proliferation of mosquitoes and in particular the tiger mosquito can be effectively opposed only to prevention and intervention on larval centers with integrated ecological and alternative methods . The mosquito only needs a small deposit of water to lay and it is clear that when hundreds of eggs or mosquito larvae are concentrated in a single collection of mosquitoes. water, it is easier to fight them than when they are scattered in open environments. The most important thing is therefore correct information about the different control systems, all integrable with each other. Institutions will therefore have to network with citizens, involve them actively and responsibly, and above all, protect the environment from toxic substances.

WWF, European consumers, Equivita, Anchises, FederBio

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