Piceno, a plan for the contrast of pathological gambling


Funded by the Marche Region and promoted by the Department of Pathological Dependency AS5 AV5, it is developed by the Cooperative Sociale Ama Aquilone in ATI with the Cooperative Sociale COOS Marche. From April 2018 to August 31, 2019 the Social Cooperative Ama Aquilone in ATI with Coop. S. COOSS Marche develops a plan to combat problems of pathological gambling and addictions to new technologies

The Plan, funded by the Marche Region, and promoted by the ASUR AV5 Pathology Dependency Department, provides for a series of strategies. interventions to develop also in collaboration with the Territorial Social Zones of the province of Ascoli Piceno and several partners in the region: STDP, Prevention Department, Anti-drug Picena Association, Anti-Wear Foundation, Traini and Ass. Favonius

The actions that will be carried out on the territory of the territorial social area 22, head of the municipality of Ascoli Piceno, concern several macro-zones with funds managed directly by ASUR (STDP and Prevention Department of San Benedetto del Tronto and Ascoli Piceno), from ATS (funds paid by Region to ATS chief of the province of Ascoli Piceno) and the third sector (Coop Soc Ama-Aquilone and Cooss Marche)

Projects are planned in lower and upper secondary schools and initiatives for subjects who are no longer working on the management of leisure time and risks related to the game of chance. The framework will be complemented by addiction prevention on new information technologies and social networks. With regard to counseling, listening, treatment and rehabilitation, it is planned to create a departmental window for players and their families, also for routes throughout the province.

Four advisory counters have been active for several weeks: Comunanza, Spinetoli, Ascoli Piceno and San Benedetto del Tronto. The program completes the program of socio-professional insertion supported by the employment service and the increase of therapeutic groups for players and family also in collaboration with the Favonius Association . The plan concludes a training and information project for professionals such as general practitioners and law enforcement agencies

Contact persons for the traveling information office and therapeutic groups :

dott.ssa Maria Aureli (social worker) – mobile. 392 4197983 – mail: [email protected]

dott.ssa Marta Bugari (psychologist) – cell. 392 4197997 – mail: [email protected]

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