Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin rejects James Harrison's criticism


LATROBE, Pa. – Mike Tomlin has swept critics of former player James Harrison that the Pittsburgh Steelers' coach is not disciplined enough.

At his press conference to launch the Steelers' training camp, Tomlin, who enters his 12th year, he says he's not much thought about Harrison's criticism

. Several Steelers players had the back of coach Mike Tomlin when the camp opened. AP Photo / Gene J. Puskar

"He has an opinion, he is entitled to that," said Tomlin of St. Vincent College. "He's not playing for us right now, man, I'm focused on 2018, man, this kind of drama, I'll let you play this game."

Harrison, the bag of all-time Steelers The leader who retired after a brief period with the New England Patriots said on Fox Sports 1 last week that Bill Belichick was the best coach

"Mike Tomlin is good as a head coach" Harrison said. "He's a coach of players, I think he's got to be a little more disciplined. The big thing with Belichick, is that he's very disciplined, he's disciplined, everyone is going to be on the same page, there will be nothing so far away I think there, all their coaching staff is like that. "

Harrison, who forced his departure from Pittsburgh to the end of 2017 leaving the games early and sleeping through the meetings, said Tomlin expected The Steelers finished 13-3 last year but lost a crucial match of week 15 with New England in the last seconds and gave up 45 points to Jacksonville during a division game.

Several Steelers players defended their coach during a report at the camp

"Coach Tomlin is the best, you see guys, "said Maurkice Pouncey." He has a Super Bowl, he heads the team of the right way and after all, everyone has a lot to say. "

Tomlin said that each team takes its own identity, and it spends part of each offseason to reflect on the work that it has done and how to improve.

One of Tomlin's next tasks is to manage the eventual return of The Veon Bell. The attacking midfielder runs his second consecutive training camp after consecutive summers of failed contract negotiations. Bell has not signed its franchise etiquette offer and therefore can not be fined for a time missing.

Tomlin said that he had "fluent" discussions with Bell that he will keep confidential and approach Bell's situation like last year: when he will show up.

"When he arrives here, we will evaluate his general state of readiness and how long he has missed and see the ramification," he said. [ad_2]
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