PMA: More than 8 million babies born in the Assisted Fertilization Test Tube


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Assisted Fertilization: Eight Million Children Born in Test Tubes

More than half a million children are born each year through medically badisted procreation. On the occasion of the Congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Barcelona, ​​a team of experts monitoring the progress of badisted reproduction techniques found that today There are more than 8 million children in the world.

PMA: 8 million babies born of badisted fertilization. The first girl in a test tube

She was born at the Oldham General Hospital in the United Kingdom, the first girl conceived in a test tube through medically badisted procreation. It was July 25, 1978 and Cambridge biologist Robert Edwards and gynecologist Patrick Steptoe signed the success. Edwars was a physician and researcher at the University of Cambridge, but most importantly he was a biologist who has long been dedicated to the study of fertilization and preimplantation diagnosis. Decisive for the treatment of infertility was his collaboration with the gynecologist Patrick Steptoe with whom he began to refine the techniques of in vitro fertilization. At the time, Ms. Brown had an inoperable obstruction of the tube that caused her infertility and Steptoe proposed to the spouses the new technique of in vitro fertilization.

LDC Italy: Millions of children born in test tubes with PMA techniques. WHAT'S PMA

Medically badisted procreation means all fertility treatments that involve oocytes and sperm to determine the reproductive process. In Italy, badisted procreation is possible through first, second and third level techniques with varying degrees of invasiveness. PMA procedures also include cryopreservation techniques for gametes (oocytes and spermatozoa) and embryos.

Assisted fertilization: data on the spread of Pma in Italy. Europe and badisted fertilization

In Europe, the number of children born of badisted fertilization is higher. According to the Eshre Register, which has been monitoring activities since 2007, Spain remains the most active country in badisted procreation with 119,875 treatment cycles in 2015, followed by Russia (110,723 cycles), the highest in the world. Germany (96,512) and France (93,918). Looking at the Italian registry of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in 2015, 95,110 cycles of treatment began and 12,836 children were born alive in Italy. The cycles followed by Eshre include treatments with IVF (in vitro fertilization), Icsi (intracytoplasmic injection) and egg donation. The report is linked to approximately 800,000 treatment cycles completed for a total of 157,449 children born and is the broadest and most accurate portrait of LDCs in Europe.

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