Political version of Valeria Marini for "Il Giornale Off", between Salvini and Di Maio


Interviewed by "Il Giornale Off", the dancer Valeria Marini spoke about everything: her private life, her personal life, the life of the country. National Valeriona decided to improvise as a political scientist, talking about the current government, revealing its vote.

And we start from the vote of Marini, went, like many other Italians, to Matteo Salvini: " I voted Salvini, as I voted Berlusconi and I think he's doing a good job, also on the immigration speech.Maybe his position was too clear, but that someone should take one.Now we'll see. "

Appreciation by the Marini also for the other soul of the government, represented by Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Labor and Economic Development: "Salvini and Di Maio are two diametrically opposed people but also two interesting people." Salvini J & I voted, Di Maio I find it very clever, even though I did not like the moment when he made war on President Berlusconi, because it was free. However, I think they're doing a good job right now, and then we have to look at the facts . "

We all expect to see the facts after weeks of words and words. [19659004 Let's go back to the words words words of Valeria Marini, a joke about the world of entertainment.The world of entertainment is my world, it's my life, in fact, it does not belong to me everyday, or I would have helped others by doing the missionary or helping the animals "), before the self-celebration of social commitment:" AMRI has long been an badociation that works for research on childhood rheumatic diseases and is based at Gaslini in Genoa. I chose this badociation because once I went to participate and saw the seriousness with which they work and welcome the two children who have these problems as their families. I have always been busy raising money and, thanks to this collaboration, we have bought two very important research mechanisms. "

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