Premature birth: "Cuore di Maglia" arrives at Misericordia, the project to keep them warm


GROSSETO – Long shoes "half pavesino", "like an apple" hats, blankets, shirts, sleeping bags, it is the wonderful world of Cuore di Maglia, a project promoted by the homonymous badociation onlus, dedicated to premature babies who also started at the hospital Misericordia di Grosseto.

"It all revolves around the concept of" care ", literally" caring "- illustrates the ASL – which indicates all the care and concerns that can be offered to the newborn to do so. Feel good and reduce disadvantages related to hospitalization and incubation With the project Pelle a Pelle, Cuore di Maglia has invaded by its generosity and solidarity the departments of the Mercy of Obstetrics and Gynecology, led by Dr. Fabrizio Signore and Neonatal Pathology and Pediatrics and Neonatology, led by Dr. Susanna Falorni with many small colorful and hot clothes, hand-made by the volunteers of the badociation and given as gifts to the little ones and their parents. "

" Newborns and especially those born before At the end of nine months – explains the health company – at their birth , they live a kind of Thermal excursion that can cause heat loss especially from peripheral areas like the head, feet and hands. To avoid sudden changes in temperature, the little ones are immediately dressed in hats, socks and wrapped in a knitted triangle as a blanket and put in contact with the mother's womb.

"The knitted heart fits perfectly into the project The skin to skin, already in operation at Misericordia – precise Asl – according to the protocol that the newborn has just unearthed, is placed on the skin. mother's abdomen in contact with her skin. This promotes the establishment of a natural mother-child interaction, the reduction of hypothermia and facilitates the initiation of badfeeding, with the possibility that the baby will attack the even within the first two hours of life. Cuore di Maglia was founded in 2008, when a group of friends decided to make themselves useful, especially for children, with their work. Very small shoes and funny hats to warm the premature babies, blankets, layettes for children in difficulty, all strictly handmade, with fine threads, quality wool, cashmere, merino ".

The parents of children – says Dr. Lord – particularly appreciate these gifts that come from Cuore di Maglia, as they are part of the Care Protocol: making the hospital stay more humane, both for children only for parents. The extra attention that the initiative allows leads to a sense of normality and hope that has positive effects on the mother and the newborn. "
Cuore di Maglia is present in 55 Italian hospitals and 6 Life Aid Centers, where monthly or biannual deliveries are planned.

" Among the many gifts of Cuore di Maglia, Dr. Falorni concludes, l & # 39; one of the most interesting ideas is the "sleeping bag." The newborn, inside the maternal womb is content, hug, and has well-defined boundaries that with premature birth fail. The sleeping bag, in addition to warming up, recreates the baby from the confines of the mother's womb, left too early, and makes him feel safe, well protected in a kind of continuous embrace, all of his own. Many mothers use the sleeping bag also during badfeeding or for the baby carrier, and sometimes simple actions taken with the heart are enough to alleviate a situation that is not always easy for parents to accept. premature babies. "

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