Pressure, attention to the high but also to the values ​​too low


According to the most common definition, blood pressure is the force with which blood is pushed through the vessels.

By contracting and relaxing, the heart sends blood to all the tissues of the body. The work done by the heart is so important that, during his life, he pumps about 190 million liters of blood that would be enough to lift an entire three-meter aircraft carrier. Whenever this muscle contracts (systole) the blood is circulated with considerable speed (about 50 cm / second).

The maximum pressure depends on the efficiency of the heart pump (amount of blood expelled at each contraction) and by the elasticity of the artery walls. When the emptying of the heart ends, the filling phase begins (diastole). In this period, the blood flow in the arteries decreases as well as the pressure that reaches its minimum value (diastolic pressure or minimum pressure) a moment before the start of the new systole.

For some time researchers have been trying to define the parameters, In order to provide physicians with universal guidelines

To date, Italian experts refer to the rules established by the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of 39; Hypertension (Esh) in 2013, although recently it has been extended new research presented by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association

According to these guidelines, the pressure is normal around 120 of the maximum and 80 of the minimum, while for European scientists, the optimal values ​​are slightly lower. They are normal parameters up to 130-84 and "normally high" up to 139-89

Beyond these values, there is talk of hypertension

When this situation becomes product, it means that the heart has a much harder time getting blood all over the body. Over time, this ongoing effort causes damage to the arterial vessels, but may also result in more serious consequences, such as heart failure, rupture or obstruction of an artery, aneurysm, and metabolic syndrome

. or essential), which accounts for approximately 95% of hypertension cases, there is no definite, identifiable and treatable cause: high pressure values ​​are the result of the alteration of complex mechanisms which regulate the pressure.

In cases, however, hypertension is the consequence of conbad or acquired diseases that affect the kidneys, adrenal glands, vessels, heart, so-called secondary hypertension. .

People with hypertension can act to keep the disorder under control and reduce the risk of related health problems. Some of the key things we remember include following a healthy lifestyle, staying under medical supervision, and following doctor-prescribed therapy.

But one must be careful even in case of hypotension: in numerical terms, an individual suffers from low pressure when his resting blood pressure falls below 90/60 mmHg.

Although less common than more serious and disturbing hypertension, hypotension (or hypotension) is a fairly common disorder, often badociated with fatigue. generalized, dizziness, feeling of fainting, confusion and blurred vision.

Low and low pressure is often devoid of clinical significance, especially if it is not accompanied by any symptoms; on the contrary, a low pressure of intermediate degree or, worse still, a low pressure of severe degree are, generally, the sign of a dysfunction of the organism.

The causes of hypotension are many and vary from one subject to the other. Other. In summer, the heat lowers the body pressure by a few millimeters of mercury. In this case, the best therapy is to drink plenty of water, take mineral salts, avoid staying too long in the sun and consume salty food. Often, however, low blood pressure can be caused by certain medications, such as diuretics (for hypertension), drugs for Parkinson's disease and to treat prostate hypertrophy.

In the absence of specific underlying conditions those who suffer from hypotension can control it by taking care of food, by inserting into their diet fresh fruits and vegetables, little fat and decreasing the Alcohol consumption, which makes digestion slower and more difficult

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