PULP / No to giving up carbohydrates: 4 kg are lost in 7 days


With the pasta diet you can lose 4 pounds in 7 days. A diet that does not prevent us, as often happens, from eating one of the favorite dishes of Italian pasta. At the moment, there is growing recognition that all the carbohydrate concerns of those who want to lose weight are wrong. Of course, we must not go beyond, but for the human body, they are also very important and we must not give up totally, hoping to lose weight faster. you must also pay attention to the condiments used. For example, you should give up the fried oil, parsley, garlic and onion that form the basis of our home preparations. Of course, we do not even mention the hypothesis that we use butter, another fatty food that leads to very rapid fattening, and poor health because of its components. (by Matteo Fantozzi)

Lose weight without giving up carbohydrates

Can you lose weight by eating with taste? The pasta diet he answers yes to this question, allowing you to lose weight without giving up carbohydrates. For too long, they are considered the main enemies of those who want to lose weight, considered by all as a food to minimize and consume with the utmost care. This is true in part because it exaggerates, it hurts, it does it totally. Carbohydrates have a great power on our body and to abandon it totally is definitely a mistake. A plate of pasta instead, especially if it is complete, is a complete meal that satisfies us and satisfies us. Of course, we must pay attention to the condiment with the beloved fried ready to become a distant memory. Then, one wonders why to consume whole pasta, the reason is simple because it allows you to take slow release carbohydrates with blood sugar levels that are not subject to overvoltages and are destined to remain stable.

The pasta diet: vegetables as allies

Vegetables are a healthy ally of pasta diet. This is because it is undoubtedly the best seasoning to make our dish light and tasty. Obviously, you should avoid making the usual fried, with the oil that can be put in small quantities but raw. Some of the smartest choices are cooking cooked vegetables, baking and seasoning with salt and various spices. Be careful of exaggeration, but the pasta diet confirms that even taking daily carbohydrates can lose weight. In addition, the dough allows us to improve the release of serotonin and melatonin by reducing the level of cortisol in the blood, that is to say the stress hormone also responsible for weight gain.

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