Questions and answers about tanning and sunscreen


  Women at sea with a different phototype

SPF 10, 15, 20, 30, 50+. Milk, spray, emulsion, fluid, oil. UVA protection. Resistant to water that confusion!

Sun protection factor Sun protection factor, the indicator that measures the ability to filter rays UVB . Various speeches for UVA of which, to date, indicated more generic data: very high protection UVA, or still PPD Persistent Pigment Darkening (persistent pigmentation), or on the packaging presents an icon with a circle to which the inside is the acronym UVA (this means that, in accordance with European legislation, the protection against UVA radiation is equivalent to at least one-third of the specified sun protection factor)

In the meantime, we demystify a myth: and do not tan in a few days because producing melatonin takes time

Among other things, warn experts, apply a cream with a high protection factor against UVB but with little or no protection against UVA can deceive us: the risk of prolonging exposure to the sun because there is no burns, but the absorption of UVA rays can be very high ed. This last ultraviolet rays which, as explained by Prof. Daniela Bianchini, medical director of dermatology at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome causes inflammatory damage .

Basic protection for all, even those with a dark phototype – continues the expert – Bob Marley, for example, died of melanoma. No type of skin can be exposed to the sun without precautions.

How long can we spend in the sun without endangering our health?

It depends in part on the type of skin (see the sheet) and the protection. In general, it is necessary to avoid incorrect behavior or excessive exposure to the sun: the sun must be treated as a therapy and, like all therapies, it must be badumed that the right dose is accurate. Bianchini in an interview with Sat2000 TV

sun rays for our well-known health. Indeed, several studies show that solar radiation stimulates the production of vitamin D, useful for example to keep our bones firm and resistant. Physical health and not only: even the state of mind has benefited from the sun.

Should you buy specific creams for children?

In recent years, there has been much interest in the possible damage to the DNA of solar exposure; studies have therefore been conducted to find substances that can help repair sun-damaged DNA, by referring to skin tumors, not melanoma

Today, there are products containing enzymes and substances dedicated to the repair of DNA, able to slow the evolution of damage. But an incorrect dermatologist specifies – let's say that they protect us from these damages

Rather than specific creams for children, therefore, it is the elderly, who can most easily present this problem, prefer the creams pi

Destroy the false myths: 5 true or false?

The Ministry of Health conducts various health information campaigns regarding sun exposure. Here we present some interesting true / false

  • Sunlight is the most important risk factor in the occurrence of skin cancer

TRUE: The skin needs to be protected from sunlight, a risk factors for cutaneous tumors

  • The possibility of developing melanoma depends solely on the phototype

FALSE: The possibility of developing melanoma depends on the interaction between various risk factors:

  1. phototype ,
  2. familiarit,
  3. pregresso melanoma,
  4. high number of nel,
  5. sunburn in childhood and adolescence
  • The possibility of developing melanoma also depends on the familiarity of the presence or the absence of other cases in the family or if you have past experiences

    TRUE: Belong to a family in which at least one case of melanoma has occurred, a factor of risk

  • Reported sunburns during childhood and adolescence increase the risk of developing melanoma: VERO
  • The possibility of developing skin cancer increases if for work, sport or the way of life we ​​are continually exposed to ultraviolet rays: VERO
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