Quitting smoking: Are electronic cigarettes being used?


"Svapare" for quit smoking ? It does not always work, but ecig seems to do less harm than
cigarettes . Thus, one can try to reduce the damage: data from the Italian Society of Toxicology (sitox.org) show that three out of four smokers want to quit, but only 1-3% succeed in arc . ;a year. A strategy that limits the disorders could therefore be useful: the electronic cigarettes are not without risks because contain nicotine which, for example, has negative effects on the system cardiovascular, but compared to normal they are less toxic because solid particles that end up in the lungs are reset, carcinogens are reduced by 90 percent

"Who smokes the fact for nicotine addiction and sensations that He gives, but dies for tar and "Riccardo Polosa, coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Anti-Smoking League (liaf-onlus.org)." The elimination of combustion may be the key to contain the damage: at the concentrations present in tobacco products, nicotine is not harmless, but relatively safe for the heart and lungs and not carcinogenic. "This is not not a green light because, since the ecig is on the market, smokers have not decreased (and young people can double the odds of going to smoke); furthermore, we do not know what happens after years of "vaping", even though the data collected by Polosa after more than three years, the guys who smoked that ecig seem rebaduring.

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