Rapidly eradicate the measles virus and prevent cross-infection between countries


Rapid eradication of the measles virus by avoiding cross-infection between countries

of Editorial

An objective set by the World Health Organization, illustrated by the 39; Higher Institute of Health and Public Health of England [19659003] Tags: Morbillo, Oms

in collaboration with ITALPRESS

ROME – In Europe, there have been many outbreaks of measles and until the eradication of the disease, cross fertilization between one country and another will be inevitable. Walter Ricciardi, President of the Higher Institute of Health, and Duncan Selbie, Director of Public Health in England, emphasized that the eradication of measles is a goal, also set by the Organization World Health Organization, to continue with vigor. always bigger.

Measles can cause serious complications, including encephalitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure and even death, and its elimination is a goal in all regions of the WHO. The European Union has adopted the goal of eliminating the disease by 2015, but without achieving it. According to WHO data, in 2017, 22,373 cases and 35 deaths in the European region were documented. The measles epidemics are active in several countries, including Ukraine, Serbia, Russia, Albania, Italy, France, Greece and the United Kingdom, with a total of 21,478 cases reported between January 2018 and today.

In Italy, there were 5,400 cases in 2017 and 1,716 between January 1 and May 31, 2018, the majority of which concerned young adults, although the highest incidence was observed in children under 5 years of age. from one year of age. All this, not to mention the more than eight deaths badociated with measles in Italy since January 2017.

"As long as measles will not be eliminated from all regions – says Selbie – cross-contamination between different states can occur, both between the member states of the same region and between different regions, when unvaccinated individuals go into the virus is endemic and epidemics are ongoing, are infected and return to the country of origin by importing the virus. "

" Recently – added Ricciardi – some outbreaks in England have been linked to imports from Europe It has been documented that since 2017, at least seven cases have been imported from Italy ( three in 2017 and four in 2018) "

" However, there are, he concludes, cases of importation from England to Italy: from January 2018, four cases of measles were imported from Great Britain e t caused two small epidemics and five other contagion derivatives ".

Article published on Aug. 1, 2018 – © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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