reacts with a dog


The Pet Therapy shows once more its positive effects. A patient who was in a very close state of vegetative coma was able to respond to stimuli by approaching his hand to a labrador dog that the doctors approached the patient's bed. When the person was able to perceive the cane [VIDEO] to the touch, his expression "stretched" and seemed very relaxed. All this happened to Lucca in an ASL structure of northwestern Tuscany. To make the news, it was directly the health company, even though the incident dates from the end of June.

The Advances in Pet Therapy

The Parish Doctor, Andrea Bartolucci informs that for about eight months the patient was in a minimum state of consciousness and for five months had been admitted into the sector dedicated to vegetative states.

The episode, which occurred with the dog, moved and excited the parents of the patient, as well as the same operators present in the structure .

in which this happened & # 39; & # 39; miracle & # 39; was precisely the one dedicated to Pet Therapy that was organized thanks to the collaboration between the organization salute who manages the structure and school Delfino de Rifugio Valdiflora. The dog was brought near the bed by an educator following the consent of the members of the family . The labrador dog, called Sun, is simply approached with voice commands and thanks to this, the patient could have contact with the outside world again.

This episode gives hope to family members, but not only: Pet therapy is getting closer and closer to a more facilitated use by the structures because they are in all respects the effective methods of healing.

It is indeed a method that does not specifically cure a disease, but focuses on the person as a whole.

It is obvious that this type of therapy has required considerable effort to guarantee the conditions of hygiene and health. for the patient and the animal. I dogs are, however, chosen on the basis of convenience. In fact, specific basic behaviors are required for the individual animal and it is therefore not possible to educate all dogs to play a role in pet therapy . Usually, stroking a dog [VIDEO] leads to remember the past existence or fragments of life that emerge in the spirit. An additional confirmation that the relationship between the man and the dog is very important.

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