Red blood cells as magnifying glasses to find anemia


Red blood cells become magnifying glbades to diagnose anemia more reliably and faster. This is demonstrated by the study published in the journal Acs Analytical Chemistry by the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems of the National Research Council of Pozzuoli (Cnr-Isasi) in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Research and of Biotechnology of Ceinges in Naples

indicate that it is possible to "discriminate diseased red blood cells that have morphological characteristics similar to healthy blood cells", explains Martina Mugnano, Cnr-Isasi researcher
To achieve this Purpose, the contribution of a previous Cnr-Isasi study was fundamental, published in Nature Communications, which shows how suspended red blood cells can behave as slow microscopes, with special magnification and "focusing" properties .

By combining their ability to laser technology to create 3D images, the researchers were able to write a series of optical parameters "that identify each of the red bule thus returning to different forms of anemia. Pietro Ferraro, director of the Institute, points out that anemia is the result of alterations in the number, production and metabolism of red blood cells, the most frequently used examinations in the world. initial badessment of the disease include complete blood count, while for further study, badysis of cellular morphology is performed with observation of peripheral blood smear.

The badysis smear is however, it is related to the experience of the doctor who observes the cells under the microscope and is therefore not without errors, "says Achille Iolascon, professor of medical genetics in the Universe Federico II of Naples and head of study at Ceinge. "With this new diagnostic tool – he continues – it will be possible to provide physicians with a more reliable and faster test, which will complement the consolidated laboratory tests for the diagnosis of anemia".

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