
Listeria, Listeriosi
Findus has removed several batches of 4 types of minestrone for the risk of Listeria contamination. This was announced by the company on its website, announcing that a voluntary recall of the following production batches is in progress:
- Trademark Trademark 1 KG L7311 L7251 L7308 L7310 L7334
- Registered Trademark 400G L7327 L7326 L7304 L7303
- Minestrone Slightly oriental flavors 600g L7257 L7292 L7318 L8011
- Minestrone Slightly good quality of seeds 600g L7306
"The decision, voluntary and quite preventive way, to recall these products – explains Findus – was Following the recommendation of Greenyard, the potential contamination of Listeria from a large number of green beans, used as a minimum in the recalled products, Findus wishes to clarify that the recalled product category does not provide consumption after cooking, as indicated clearly on the packaging ".
Read the article on Messaggero
The situation in Italy
At the present time no outbreak of infection in Italy, the withdrawal of products by precautionary measure. Health Minister Giulia Grillo rebadures the emergency intervention set up by the ministry in this case. "I am very much in the case of Listeria, and my offices have immediately put in place all the necessary controls and measures." The withdrawals follow a warning from Hungary regarding the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in frozen vegetables. Listeria is resistant to low temperatures and causes food toxins. However, it is inactivated with cooking. At present, there are no outbreaks of infection in Italy and the withdrawal of the products is done as a precaution

Coldiretti's position
"The latest food alarms, mad cow milk for children The removal of Listeria contaminated batches in Italy and throughout the world Europe is unfortunately only the latest series of food alarms that are spreading rapidly in Europe compared to which the experience of those years demonstrates the importance of an information correct with the obligation to indicate by indicating on the label the origin of the products that must be extended to all foods without but also the need to remove the secret of trade flows with the & # 39; 39; public indication of companies importing products from abroad to enable rapid and targeted interventions ". This is what Coldiretti says on the occasion of announcements from Findus and the Lidl distribution chain for the withdrawal of lots of minestrone, corn and frozen vegetables due to the risk of contamination at Listeria reported by the Belgian company Greenyard.
Read the article on the post
"Faced with the uncertain and contradictory attitude of the European Union that requires to indicate the origin on the". label for eggs but not for egg products, for fresh meat but not for processed meat, for fresh fruits and vegetables but not for juice, canned fruits and vegetables, Italy, which is a leader European Commission on Transparency and Quality, has the duty – Coldiretti underlines – to pave the way for EU food policies, even with a profound revision of Community rules – a need for food risks – explains Coldiretti – in a situation where 2,925 alarms were triggered in the European Union in one year ". In any case, the producers' badociation concludes in a note, "it has become clear that with the globalization of trade and information, emergencies are spreading rapidly in different countries and continents and that the main concerns are determined by the difficulty of tracing the products at risk of quickly removing them from the trade, with dangerous consequences for the health of the citizens but also on the economic plan for the effects on the consumption because it does not have any consequences. is not possible to confine the emergency ".
What Happened in Sicily
The risk of Listeria contamination, after leading Findus to withdraw several batches of four types of minestrone, led to the withdrawal of two "Freshona" products sold exclusively by Lidl in Sicily. This is the Belgian company Greenyard, the same company that had reported to Findus the contamination of many green beans, for having ordered the reference to the consumer of the following products:
- Art. 79520 Frozen Corn "Freshona", 450g Bar Code 20417963
- Art. 12105 "Freshona" Mix of frozen vegetables, 1000g – Gemusemix Assortment – Mix of vegetables Barcode 20039035.
"It is not possible to exclude – stresses the company – that these products may have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, may be a cause of serious diseases of the stomach / intestine (listeriosis) and flu-like symptoms.For certain types of individuals (pregnant women, young children, elderly people) and immunocompromised), the disease can degenerate into very severe forms.Because of this risk to health, consumers should pay particular attention to this recall and not eat the aforementioned products.The products concerned by the Belgian company GREENYARD NV have been sold exclusively by Lidl Italia in Sicily. [19659010] Read the article on Corriere della Sera
For reasons of precaution, Lidl Italia has immediately activated e n withdrawing from the sale the products concerned. These products can be returned to any Lidl agency. The purchase price will be refunded even without presentation of the receipt. The reference relates solely and exclusively to the region of Sicily and refers only to the aforementioned products of the Belgian company GREENYARD NV All other frozen products sold by Lidl Italia, in particular those of the Freshona brand of other manufacturers, are not affected by the recall. The Belgian company GREENYARD N.V. It apologizes to all concerned for any inconvenience caused. "
In which foods does the bacterium nest?
It resists, thrives on heat, but also resists frost, so that it survives even in frozen foods. Listeria monocytogenes, cause of a life-threatening listeriosis infection, came back as a result of a report from a Belgian company on the possible contamination of certain products, which led among other things to the withdrawal of several lots of minestrone Findus shelves
Listeria in green beans: Retired minestrone Findus [news aggiornata alle 17:09] https://t.co/Y3pgcdB4Pk
– La Repubblica (@repubblica) 7 July 2018
Listeriosis is generally due to the ingestion of contaminated food and thus clbadified as a foodborne disease (food poisoning). Although evidence of the disease has been described in various animal species since the late 1800s, recalls the Higher Institute of Health, the first human case of listeriosis was reported in 1929 and the first perinatal case in 1936 In Western countries, the disease is becoming an increasingly important public health problem. Indeed, although relatively rare, it can manifest itself with a severe clinical picture and high mortality rates especially in fragile individuals such as infants, the elderly, pregnant women and adults immunocompromised.

Listeria, Listeriosi
Moreover, in recent years, frequent epidemics have occurred, especially following the distribution of contaminated food. through large restaurant chains. The bacterium responsible for listeriosis is ubiquitous, very common in the environment and is frequently found in the soil, water, vegetation and feces of many animal species, with no apparent symptoms. It can contaminate any level of the food production and consumption chain. It can grow and reproduce at temperatures ranging from 0 to 45 ° C, tends to persist in the environment and therefore be present in processed, stored and refrigerated foods.
Also read: Bacteria Risk in Frozen Foods: Lidl and Findus Some Products in Sicily
Foods Mostly Associated with Listeriosis Infection Include: Fish, Meat and Vegetables raw, unpasteurized milk and dairy products such as soft cheeses and butter, processed foods and prepared cold meats typically cold cuts, prepackaged salads, sandwiches, smoked fish.
Risk #listeria #Findus remove some batches of minestrone as a precautionary measure → https: // t. co / VE52jeBo03 pic.twitter.com/SFVOrczfSY
– Rainews (@RaiNews) July 7, 2018
Infections can rarely occur through direct contact with animals, people, or animals. ;environment. contaminated. The risk of developing the disease also has low levels of bacterial burden, although most healthy adults show no symptoms after eating contaminated food or may have gastrointestinal symptoms when contamination is very high. high. 19659017] Listeriosis can take different clinical forms, from acute febrile gastroenteritis more typical of food toxins, which manifests itself in a few hours of ingestion (and is self-limiting in healthy subjects), invasive or systemic. Pregnant women usually have flu-like symptoms accompanied by fever and other nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue and pain. However, infections during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the fetus (fetal death, abortion, premature birth or conbad listeriosis). In immunocompromised and elderly adults, listeriosis can cause meningitis, encephalitis, severe sepsis. These clinical manifestations are treatable with antibiotics, but the prognosis in the most severe cases is often regrettable.

Listeria, listeriosis
How Listeria manifests itself
The average incubation is 3 weeks (but can last up to 3 weeks). at 70 days). The best strategy for fighting listeriosis is effective prevention, which can be easily implemented by applying the general rules of hygiene and attention for all other food poisoning, especially for washing and washing. food handling, but also for cooking. From the institutional point of view, listeriosis is part of the group of diseases for which surveillance networks have been established both in the United States and in Europe with notification requirements
. These networks aim to identify outbreaks of Infection and determine the cause, allow to act both by withdrawing the products from the market and taking the necessary measures against the production facilities and informing the population at risk. Given its bacterial nature, the treatment of the disease requires antibiotic therapy for both adults and children. An early antibiotic treatment given to a pregnant woman can prevent the transmission of the disease to the fetus.
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