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As of today, Monday, July 2, operates again at the Hospital of Circolo di Varese, to on the first floor of the Pavilion 13 between Day 1 Center and Villa Tamagno Center TSI (Sexually Transmitted Infections ), whose management, in accordance with regional legislation, has changed from 39; ATS from Insubria to ASST Settelaghi. The center was closed in January 2017 precisely because of the transition of the ASL, which had its management before the Reformation, to Asst Sette Laghi.
It took 18 months to restore the service that it offers:
– support, counseling and counseling activities
– prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of infections badually transmitted
Anyone with doubts or want certainty of your condition can contact the clinic that will conduct the investigations in full respect of privacy.
Citizen can contact the Center, without the need for a medical commitment, simply phone Monday through Friday from 9am to 12pm toll-free number 800 012080 which was already used at the ATS. A qualified health professional will respond, who will establish, according to the telephone interview, an appointment for medical-specialist badessment, screening and diagnostic tests, direct therapy or prescription, for TSI. For the cases of infection with HIV and hepatitis will be the Infectious Room Specialists to take care of patients always at the same time. 39, inside the hospital.
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