Report: Chris Archer of Rays Attracts Significant Commercial Interest


Tampa Bay Rays Timekeeper Chris Archer Gets Significant Commercial Interest Before MLB Trade Deadline, According to Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports

Archer, 29, is in the middle of the worst season He currently has a 4.29 MMP in 15 starts and missed most of June with abdominal tension. We do not know for the moment what teams show interest.

In two starts since returning from injury, Archer has failed to complete five innings and has dropped four earned runs. Rosenthal suggested that teams will look at how Archer performs his last two starts before the July 31 deadline before deciding what they would offer to the Rays in return.

For his part, Archer seems OK with happens to pbad. In a recent interview, he said that all he's looking for is a chance "to experience victory."

"If I'm going to be here, I want the process of not going to the playoffs to be accelerated," Archer said Thursday. "I've seen the transition, I'm not saying I'm not happy, but I know we're still in transition, and the sooner we can speed up and get back to normal in 2008," she said. , "14 days, better it's."

The Rays have not contested the playoffs since 2013 and last winter broke away from the seasoned Evan players Longoria, Corey Dickerson and Steven Souza Jr., among others, in order to give a bigger role to young players. The name of Archer was also mentioned in commercial rumors throughout the offseason, but he stayed with the Rays.

Coming into play Friday the Rays were nine and a half games in second place in the American League. 19659008] In this podcast of the MLB and Toronto Blue Jays, Dan Shulman takes a look at the human side of baseball. Because everyone in the game has a story.

The Archer contract is very user-friendly, which means that departments can be patient when weighing offers. He signed three more years after this one and will earn only $ 8.25 million over a single season

But if the Archer deal is worth it, the market does not matter not many throwers this year. J.A. of the Blue Jays Happ, Michael Fulmer of the Tigers and Cole Hamels of the Rangers are some of the starters who could be moved but the list is not much longer than that.

For this reason, Rosenthal called the trade market "almost ideal for the He suggested that teams might be interested in acquiring Archer for multiple playoffs before becoming a free agent in 2022.

Archer gets then the ball on Sunday against the Miami Marlins and likely again on July 27 against the Baltimore Orioles.If he succeeds well in these starts, chatting around him on time will only amplify. 19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function ()
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