Reported for the twin flight of the film – Lazio


In Rome, "compulsive shopping" as in the perfume film Rome

(ANSA) – ROME, 25 JULY – As in the film. Indeed, as in life.
This must have thought the owner of a perfumery of
Rome, via Marmorata, when between reality and fiction understood
that two bottles of perfume Creed had disappeared and what to do with them
disappeared were the twin stars of the film "Come
a cat in the Tangenziale. "The internal cameras of the store
they immortalized. And so for Sue Ellen and Pamela, the sisters
vapors of the residence Bastogi, in the relatives of Paola
Cortellesi, were reported by the Carabineros Station
Aventine. Yesterday Alessandra and Valentina, these are their real names,
They entered the perfumery: two of them were put in the bag
perfume bottles, with a total value of 500 euros. In an instant
they then disappeared. The owner however noticed
everything: he checked the surveillance cameras and went
by the carabinieri to make a complaint.


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