Resegone Online – news from Lecco and the province »Bellano mourns the death of Maestro Giancarlo Vitali


Giancarlo Vitali was awarded by Rosa Camuna in the last month of May.

The great painter Giancarlo Vitali died in his house in Bellano, which would have turned 89 in November.

"Today – is the message of condolence of Mayor Antonio Rusconi – Bellano became an orphan, he lost his Maestro, the painter who raised a small lake town and his people as a protagonist in the vast world of art.Its lack of resonance, but our hearts are full of gratitude for the honor and pride of having had among the citizens of Bellano, his Bellano. eternity, Master ".

Last May Giancarlo Vitali was awarded by the Lombardy Region with the Rosa Camuna Prize with the following motivation: artist and great master of the twentieth century, who told in his works places and characters of a century .

Year Vitali had exhibited in Milan with his great anthology. The Time Out exhibition is divided between the Palazzo Reale, the Castello Sforzesco, the Museum of Natural History and the Casa del Manzoni and is organized by Velasco Vitali, son of Giancarlo and artist himself

This last December the city of Bellano also awarded Vitali the title of deserving citizen: "This year, with the great exhibition held in Milan at the Palazzo Reale and 3 other places, we are even more proud to be "represented" by a great Bellanais. "

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