Results from UFC 226: Analysis, Highlights and Winners of Miocic c. Cormier


Daniel Cormier and Stipe Miocic made a round-robin first round, but Cormier's right hand stopped Miocic's lights, giving Cormier a knockout just before the second round of the main event at UFC 226.

Cormier now has a record of 14-0 as a heavyweight and holds the UFC heavyweight championship and the light heavyweight championship, becoming the second fighter in the history of the UFC. UFC to hold two belts simultaneously.

Cormier also reminded Brock Lesnar He attended the event, and it looks like both will face each other in the near future.

Miocic and Cormier both had some nice combos and hard shots, but Cormier often got the upper hand on hand-to-hand exchanges. Despite being shorter than Miocic, he used this to his advantage and slipped that right hand while they were disengaging from melee

The main event, with Francis Ngannou and Derrick Lewis after the original co-principal between Max Holloway and Brian Ortega fell through, was a disaster. Lewis landed some hard shots, and that's all. It's actually that. The best punch in Ngannou's face came after the bell when the fight was over and he had clearly lost two (probably all three) rounds.

Ngannou was the highest ranked heavyweight contender entering the fight, but was virtually inactive for three rounds. Lewis was not much better, but he engaged at least a little bit. Lewis ended up making a unanimous decision 29-28, 29-28, 30-27. Fortunately, it was not a five round fight.

In the third main card fight, we had our first split decision of the night. Paul Felder and Mike Perry made three rounds, both suffered bad cuts (Felder got worse). A judge saw him 29-28 in favor of Felder (as did this writer), but the other two gave him to Perry, who is certainly not unworthy. Both fighters looked good in what was definitely a fight of the night (year?) Candidate.

Anthony Pettis and Michael Chiesa combined for the second main card fight, and Pettis came out on top. The first lap was tight, Chiesa scoring a few withdrawals and avoiding the best shots of Pettis. But in the second, Pettis caught Chiesa with a hard blow that dropped him, and finished him with a triangle-shaped triangle

Gökhan Saki, accomplished and favorite kickboxing champion to beat Khalil Rountree Jr. Saturday … did not do what was expected Instead, he was knocked out by Rountree with a vicious right hand left. Saki fell, and after a brief grinding, the fight was stopped in the first round

In the preliminary card bout, Paulo Costa scored a huge knockout over Uriah Hall in the middleweight division. The first round was strange, with several low shots from Costa and a referee who seemed not to want to take a point, but that did not matter much in the end since the fight ended. in the second round.

Raphael Assunção crossed the line in a technical showcase against Rob Font. Many expected Font to dominate the fight, but Assunção had an answer for all that Font did, and won a three-round unanimous decision, winning all three rounds on the judges' scorecards .

Drakkar Klose, Curtis Millender and Emily Whitmire both won unanimous three-round decisions on the preliminary card, beating Lando Vannata, Max Griffin and Jamie Moyle respectively.

Below you can see the round-by-summary of the main map, and below, the full list of results for Saturday's action.

Daniel Cormier def. Stipe Miocic via KO at 4:33 of Round 1

Round 1: They touch gloves, and meet at the center of the octagon. Miocic's right hand lands in melee. The big uppercut of Cormier also lands in the melee. Miocic gets Cormier against the fence. Cormier tries to get out, but Miocic blocks him. Knee lands for Miocic, then a hard right hook. Hard jab of Cormier lands. The right Miocic land hook blushes. Kneel to Miocic's body after he's pushing Cormier back into the fence. Jab left of Cormier connects. Miocic short bend. Left Jab of Cormier lands, then a one-two Miocic hard land. Cormier connects with a one-two of his own that lands hard, and MIocic takes a step back. Cormier seems to have stung Miocic in the eyes. Oh yes, during the replay, it seems even completely on purpose. The referee briefly stops the action to warn Cormier, however. Kick of the Cormier Land Corps. Nice kick of Miocic. They stall and Cormier shocks Miocic with a short right hand that steals him. He quickly puts dirt and pound and the referee stops him! Wow!

Derrick Lewis defeated. Francis Ngannou by a unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Round 1: Lewis tries a … head to start, but Ngannou easily avoids it. The kick of Lewis's body lands as Ngannou misses with an overhand. Lewis with a switch up and down, but he is stuck. A body kick is also blocked. No real punch has been given and we are almost mid-way through, but that's what happens when both are so powerful and huge. The right hook of Lewis does not arise. Lewis lands a kick in the body, flirts briefly with a takedown, but Ngannou gets out. Kick of Lewis's legs lands. The round ends with Ngannou … really throwing nothing? It must be round Lewis, just by default

Round 2: After a minute of nothing, Lewis tries another whim, but it is blocked. Lewis is waiting for the counter, but Ngannou does not start. Lewis goes ahead with a heavy hook, but it misses. Ngannou did not launch a strike. Lewis's body shot is missing. Short kick of Lewis lands. Herb Dean warns both fighters that they must engage. Ngannou connects with a good jab. He then eats a hard kick to the body, but moves away from the follow-up punch. Lewis swings two big hooks on the body, but Ngannou moves away from the path. The round ends

Round 3: Ngannou has been warned by his corner that he is probably down two laps. Kick of Lewis's legs lands. Another minute with nothing happening. Lewis enters again and connects with a short punch, but both fighters miss their follow-up. Kick of Lewis's leg. A kick of Lewis's body while he was lying Ngannou, who … I think he slaps him? That's about it. He moves back again. A minute to go now. Lewis looks at Ngannou's high kick. Thirty seconds. Ngannou's left hook lands when Lewis lands another body kick. Ngannou connects with another short punch and Lewis advances with a hard knee to the body and a punch on his own. Ngannou gets a hard blow … after the bell. It was a bad fight. Lewis 30-27, as far as I'm concerned.

Mike Perry def. Paul Felder by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Round 1: Perry connects with a pronated right, and he opens a big cut on Felder's forehead. It may have been a whim, and both fighters could be cut off. Yeah, it looks like both are. Felder has Perry against the fence, but they come out. Perry puts a hard knee on Felder's body, which kicks him hard. Perry's leg kick. The two exchange stuck head shots. Felder ends up with his back against the fence, but they separate quickly. Felder misses two kicks and kicks his head back. Perry with a hard punch on the body while Felder touches it with a fist back

Round 2: Perry gets a quick down on Felder, but they get up quickly. It was a big slap from Perry who brought him to the mat. Felder misses a high kick. Felder's hard kick. Two left jabs of Felder connect to the flush. Perry telegraphs a punch and eats a bit of an elbow on the way. Hard left Jab of Felder lands. But Perry's left hook hits Felder on the temple and opens a huge gash on Felder's face. It's a mbadive cut, and the doctor has to come take a look at it. Felder wants to continue, so they continue. Perry gets Felder's back and gives him another slam. Now in the side control, but Felder gets up. They both shoot hard and the round ends with Felder covered in blood. Perry took a hard nudge towards the end of the round

Round 3: Felder connects with a good shot of the body. Perry is looking for his shot. He tries to have a winged hook and eats a cons-elbow. He tries another and eats a Felder's liver kick. Not much action here in the third. Things are slowing down. Perry eats a short left hook, then catches a body kick. Perry shoots for a dismount and he gets almost another slam, but Felder is still on his feet. Perry leans against the fence and pulls knees on the thigh. Hard knee for Felder's body. Perry connects with a right hook, then misses an uppercut as Felder misses a fist back. This one will be interesting!

Anthony Pettis def. Michael Chiesa via submission (triangle armbar) at 0:52 Round 2

Round 1: Pettis tries a strong kick and Chiesa catches him immediately and removes him. Pettis tries to work some sort of strangulation, but Chiesa gets out and half warns himself. He throws a few punches, and in a scrum to get back on his feet, Pettis is suspended in Chiesa, although they are not completely off. They finally separate, and Chiesa returns a whimper there just missing. Pettis does some work against the fence, but he finds himself on the back. He kicks his back and then gets up. Chiesa brings him against the fence and lands a hard knee. They are separating. Chiesa pulls for a leg removal but does not understand. Pettis' hard kick that Chiesa tries to play as weak. Then another hard kick from Pettis, and he misses a follow-wheel kick. Pettis throws much closer to the end of the round, but nothing really arises. He pulled Chiesa back, though. Tour difficult to score

Round 2: Pettis comes out straight from Chiesa with a straight, and goes on with a little kick that does not land, but pushes Chiesa down. They go to the ground and Pettis searches for a strangulation, but he does not have one. He's likely to let Chiesa recover here – but Pettis goes to an armbar! It's deep, and Chiesa is typing fast! Phenomenal end to this fight!

Khalil Rountree Jr. def. Gökhan Saki via KO (punches) at 1h36 of lap 1

Round 1: Saki tears a leg kick after half a minute of gauge his reach. He eats a short straight line, but avoids the left tracking hook. Another big kick for Saki. And Rountree gets his left hand there and he lands hard! He strikes Saki on the back – it seems that he has gone out briefly, but Rountree is swarming and pulling a bit of land-and-pound, which causes a stoppage of the referee. Wow!

Combat Card Results UFC 226

Main Card

Lorry: Daniel Cormier def. Stipe Miocic via KO at 4:33 of lap 1
Lorry: Derrick Lewis def. Francis Ngannou by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Welterweight: Mike Perry def. Paul Felder by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Leger: Anthony Pettis def. Michael Chiesa via submission (triangle armbar) at 0:52 of turn 2
Lightweight: Khalil Rountree Jr. def. Gökhan Saki via KO (punched) at 1:36 of lap 1

Preliminary card

Average weight: Paulo Costa def. Uriah Hall via TKO (fists) at 2:38 of Round 2
Coant: Raphael Assunção def. Rob Font by unanimous decision (30-27 x3)
Light: Drakkar Klose def. Lando Vannata by unanimous decision (30-27 x3)
Welterweight: Curtis Millender def. Max Griffin by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)
Léger: Dan Hooker def. Gilbert Burns via TKO (fists) at 2:28 of lap 1
Woman's Weight: Emily Whitmire def. Jamie Moyle by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)

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