Rheumatoid arthritis: the discovery, half Italian


Called APC cells, an acronym for Antigen-Presenting Cell, or "antigen presenting cells", dendritic cells (DCs), once activated, migrate into the lymph nodes where they grow T and B cells. immune system to trigger the reaction. In rheumatoid arthritis, the process "goes crazy", and instead of defending the body, these cells are pushed to attack the tissues of the joints, organs and bones, also producing pathological antibodies

Isolating the dendritic cells of the body. synovial fluid, blood and joints of some patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers found that in addition to developing inflammatory molecules are rich in MiR34a, especially those in the initial stage of the disease. This molecule is capable of suppressing another that regulates the action of dendritic cells, AXL, which is deficient in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Taking advantage of this knowledge in some experiments on mice, scientists have discovered that by removing MiR34a, animals can develop real resistance to rheumatoid arthritis

thanks to targeted drugs – some of which are already tested – capable to inhibit this The molecular change also in humans will be possible to "restore the immunological balance and promote resolution of arthritis," as optimistically stressed the professor Ferraccioli

Marco Mattiello

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