Rome, comes the banquet that picks up unsold fruits and vegetables at the market to give them to the poor


"Appointment every Saturday afternoon at the local market of Alberone, pick up unsold fruits and vegetables from the banchists and build our special little party there." Every Saturday afternoon, from 14.00 to 16.00, a group of volunteers (Italians and foreigners) distributes fruits and vegetables from the morning market free of charge: "They weigh more than 100 kg a day, and there are many, especially older people, to get closer, so we do not say that the Italians do not help themselves, "they smile

FIGHT WASTE – It's called Roma Salva Cibo and it is the project born in September 2017 inside the VII Municipality of Rome. The protagonists are Viola Piroli, activist, Francesco Fanoli, anthropologist and Yacouba Sangare, a volunteer from Guinea. "We just wanted to do our little fight against waste and, at the same time, help the many people who needed it, and we often saw them reap the fruits falling from the market, so many of them "The initiative is part of a project coordinated by" Eco slab Città ", an badociation already active in the fight against food waste, which manages in Turin a project similar to the market. Porta Palazzo for more than a year, one of the aims of the project is to create a support network that can stimulate social bonds and involve migrants ("overcoming prejudices that only a burden and a problem for society. ") More than 100 kg of fruit, vegetables and bread are distributed every Saturday afternoon at the Alberone market.

A HELP FOR GROWING – "We have have asked the support of the institutions. But unfortunately, as always – adds Viola – after the words the facts did not arrive. "And so, not satisfied, Viola, Francesco and the volunteers decided to launch a fund-raising campaign on the web." We would like to expand the initiative by increasing both the number of Roman markets in which to be active and the weekly frequency – they explain – We plan to reorganize the collection and distribution in a hairy and mobile way, in order to even reach those who have difficulties at distribution points. And – concludes Viola – thanks to the agreements with many bankers of the neighboring markets, we will move to other points of the city, thus giving help to more and more people ».

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