Rumors of the free NBA agency: Devin Booker, Suns is working towards five years, maximum extension of 158 million dollars


You may not have noticed him because he played on Phoenix Suns' dreadful teams since entering the NBA, but Devin Booker is one of the young players in the NBA. more promising league. The Suns have noticed, however, and they would like to lock him up for a long time.

Booker, who will enter his fourth season of the NBA, is expected to accept the maximum extension of $ 158 million over five years as Suns Adrian Wojnarowski (ESPN) and Devon Booker (Phoenix Suns) progress toward finalization from a contract extension of 5 years and up to $ 158M as of the weekend, according to league sources. . The suns presented the offer to Booker in Los Angeles today.

– Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) July 3, 2018

Just 21 years old, Booker averaged careers in points (24.9), badists (4.7) and bounces (4.5) last season in pulling 38 percent of the 3-point arc. He also became the youngest player to score more than 60 points in an NBA game when he dropped 70 on the Celtics at age 20 in 2017.

Booker joins No.1's # 1 pick. year, Deandre Ayton and Josh Jackson, last year's number 4 pick, is the new Suns core who hopes to bring the franchise back to the playoffs after failing to break the 25-win streak in each of the last three seasons. {"baseUrl": "https: / / / vol-865 / bundles / sportsmediajs / js-build", "config": {"version": {"fly / components "accordion": "1.0", "fly / components / alert": "1.0", "fly / components / base": "1.0", "fly / components / carousel": "1.0" , "fly / components / dropdown": "1.0", "fly / components / fixate": "1.0", "fly / components / form-validate": "1.0", "fly / components "image-gallery": "1.0", "fly / components / iframe-messenger": "1.0", "fly / components / load-more": "1.0", "fly / components / load-more-article ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / load-more-scroll ":" 1.0 "," fly / compo nents / loading ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / marketing-slider ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal-iframe ":" 1.0 "," 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