Running or on two wheels: tips and precautions for runners and cyclists in the hot season


Are you trained? Better. Do you want to enjoy summer to be in shape? Move with care without missing the body you need, so you do not run out of fuel while cycling or running in the park. The heat, in fact, promotes an increase in body temperature also due to the loss of perspiration, with a possible lack of fluids and minerals that the body needs. And it takes a lot of attention to muscles, placed under the stress of stress, especially if you are not well prepared.

How to behave?

"Running and cycling are endurance activities that are usually performed outdoors, are very affected by environmental conditions – explains Professor Antonio Paoli, director of the Laboratory of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padua. " Clearly during the summer when temperatures rise and, above all, if the climate is wet, thermoregulation factors become critical. We must not forget that, especially if the ambient humidity is high, perspiration plays a fundamental role in the control of body temperature and, in case of perspiration, water and electrolytes are lost. Beyond the aspects of thermoregulation, energy aspects must also be taken into account. This type of activity is a high energy expenditure for a number of minutes and so it is essential to have an appropriate energy balance. To recap, we can say that the main factors that affect fatigue and performance are dehydration and depletion of carbohydrates; during the summer, especially the first may result in the greatest limit to performance ".

In this sense, special attention should be paid to clothing. choose breathable, light and clear fibers, protect the garment if necessary, in the same way, better protect the skin from solar radiation with high protection filters (SPF 30 or higher). "On the the effort, adjusting the speed to the temperature can be useful if you do not run at the Olympics: so reduce by 12-15 seconds per kilometer when the temperature rises. The decrease should be gradual: every increase of 3 degrees must reduce the speed a little. "

Beware of warning signs

When you make the move, there is a risk of forgetting that the body can not stand the effort to we are submitting it.And obviously the response of the body comes as a result, in the form of an uneasiness that should not be underestimated. "Signals that should not be underestimated are different – [19659007] specifies the expert . Nausea (even with vomiting), excessive sweating, loose legs, excessive heart rate even at light rhythms or when you stop, cramps, headaches up to mental confusion, difficulty organizing thoughts and disorientation » . [19659002] The importance of not staying without "oil"

It is obvious that many of these problems can be avoided with a little attention and especially to ensure that the body still has the "fuel" of which it must support physical activity. "The importance of proper integration for those who play sports with some commitment is now widely demonstrated, reminding us that we must think the hours before the effort, what happens during the activity and adequate recovery after the effort.In this sense, there are many tests of carbohydrate ingestion [1] Pre-training or pre-competition Maltodextrins, which allow for a gradual release of glucose, are well suited for this purpose.Maltodextrins are complex carbohydrates, usually obtained from starches or tubers, with a chain of 10-20 glucose molecules.Even during exercise, especially if this is prolonged (over 60/90), maltodextrins can also be useful with a drink containing salts (especially if it is very humid) " Pao concludes li

Regarding mineral salts, one should not think of a "recipe" unique to all, because the amount of salt needed varies from one individual to the other. There are people who lose more salts than others during sweating. An empirical test to identify the type of sweating is to wear a black shirt, to exercise and to let perspiration dry: depending on the intensity of the white halo, you can identify the type of perspiration . As for the "post", after the performance, we must continue to rehydrate – but reduce the share of salts – and eventually integrate with the sources of amino acids.

The rules for those who do sports according to experts:

  • better: in summer, because of high temperatures, it is advisable to exercise early in the morning or at sunset, when the sun begins to fall
  • The best activity: not all sports are good for everyone. It is important to choose the most appropriate activity based on your workout, your fitness and your age without naturally giving up fun and fun. Summer is definitely a good time to experiment with new disciplines, preferably outdoors or in the water.
  • Begin by degrees: especially if you do it occasionally, it is essential to start training gradually by avoiding immediately subjecting the body to undue stress. The duration and intensity can be increased as you feel more fit.
  • Warming up and Stretching: Whatever physical activity you choose, it's important to do some warm-up exercises to reduce the risk of injuries such as muscle contractures and stretching. In addition, at the end of the workout, it is recommended to devote approximately 10/15 minutes to the exercises of muscle lengthening. Stretching does not seem to reduce the risk of injury, but maintaining mobility is important for health, well-being and performance.
  • A varied and balanced diet: fundamental is to follow a varied and balanced diet macronutrients essential for muscle work such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but also micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins [19659015] The water if necessary: ​​ another aspect not to overlook is the water supply. Generally, at least two liters are recommended during the day, but this amount may vary depending on temperature and humidity and therefore losses. In case of intense activity, it may be appropriate to opt for the use of sports supplements that facilitate for example the taking of amino acids but also that of mineral salts
  • The most appropriate clothing: in summer, given the abundant perspiration, it is advisable to wear light and fresh clothes, preferably in natural fibers, which allow adequate perspiration. If you are outside, you should also protect your head from the sun with a hat or a simple bandana.

Dompé's Commitment to Athletes

Well-being is the result of a series of physical and psychological conditions that allow us to better confront the lives of all days. Through constant physical activity and good dietary integration, our body is able to fully perform its functions.

Dompé is committed to spreading a culture of well-being and offers targeted solutions to face life in pharmacy. Everyday: From the correct intake of vitamins and minerals to the management of travel-related disorders, from intimate hygiene to the well-being of the urinary tract to eye health.

An aid for athletes, in addition to following the advice of experts, may come from the Dompé Friliver® Sport integration product line, designed to provide the nutrients needed to best meet the metabolic needs of athletes. the body, before, during and after the various sports activities.

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