Sailing, windsurfing, stimulating activities that are good. Multiple sclerosis and outdoor sports


Posted in Health on 31/07/2018
from Director


This is underlined by an initiative of researchers from FISM and the University of Genoa

If you Have multiple sclerosis, challenging sports such as sailing, climbing or windsurfing are for you. An initiative promoted by the Italian Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis (FISM) and the University of Genoa has shown that complex and challenging sports can have a positive effect, stimulating those who practice them, from one point of view. physical and emotional view. 19659006] The event "SP and sports activity: wind of change" – it has been proposed to support the physical stimulation of water sports as emotional and psychological that comes from contact with the sea and activities related to this context, and in particular

As in other neurological diseases, also in multiple sclerosis, sensory and motor symptoms, such as postural changes, coordination disorders and fatigue, often accompany cognitive and psychological difficulties. These aspects have a considerable impact on the quality of life of each person, to the point of reducing the beneficial effect of rehabilitation treatment.

The wind of change took place on the island of Elba, lasted five days, From May 11 to 15, it allowed the introduction to the practice of small craft navigation , catamarans, small cabin, SUP (Stand Up Paddle Surfing) and even windsurfing for people with MS with low disability. It tested aspects of physical activity, such as strength and precision exercises with upper and lower limbs, motor coordination ability, and posture maintenance under dynamic conditions; all this in situations where a high level of attention is also needed.

17 people with MS participated in the event. Participants were subjected to clinical badessments by multiple sclerosis staff at the beginning and end of the five days, data regarding their sensorimotor and cognitive abilities, and the effect of this experience on the motivation to exercise physical activity in life

And here is the confirmation data: participants improved after the event by about 10% at a time in tests that evaluate resistance during the trip and in those related to the ability to perform gestures of motility the end of the hands without experiencing an increase in fatigue.

Then add a note that can and should make you think: some of the participants in the event have resumed abandoned sports activities in the past, others have started to practice water sports Wind of change and most of them decided to take their holidays by choosing destinations where it is possible to play sports. [19659006] It is essential to remember that all these activities must be carried out with qualified personnel, knowing the fundamentals of the proposed sports and those of the disease, in order to propose these activities with the appropriate modalities for each person suffering from multiple sclerosis. For this, AISM and FISM in collaboration with the programs of studies in automotive sciences of the University of Genoa, would like to train in the future graduates in motor sciences who have this profile , to be able to offer to anyone with multiple sclerosis sports activity

What is MS and sports activity: the wind of change

The wind of change is the result of a collaboration between the programs of studies in motor sciences of the University of Genoa and the Italian Sclerosis Foundation. Several

Recently, numerous scientific studies have shown the importance of constant motor and sport activities to significantly relieve the symptoms of the disease and improve its management by stimulating neuroprotection and the genesis of new pathways and networks. neural.

The most important activities carried out in this field refer to projects born of collaborations between certain Northern European Universities and the patient badociations of these countries. An example is represented by Prof.'s experience. Peter Feys from the University of Hbadelt (Belgium, 2015) titled: "A Journey Through the Desert: A Thematic Analysis of Body Consciousness and Identity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients". The project was born thanks to a close collaboration between the University of Hbadelt, the badociation 'Move to sport & # 39; and the & # 39; Society of Flanders & # 39; in order to promote physical activity in multiple sclerosis and to demonstrate its feasibility also in extreme contexts. In particular, he planned a 16-day trip along the Jordan Desert; in addition to studying the effects of travel on participants and changes in their daily habits, the project also included a broadcast of the event on national and international channels to demonstrate that the pathology can not prevent social participation and membership in psychophysically demanding experiments

"MS and sports activity: the wind of change" lasted five days and allowed the introduction sailing on small boats (eg Trident, Laser, Rs Vision and Qba, Laser Pico), catamarans (Hobie Dragoon and Hobie cat & # 39; 16), small cabin cruiser and windsurf. The objective of the project was at the same time the aspects of interpersonal and collaborative interaction, such as those established between the helmsman and the crew, for the purpose of directing the boat as well as contact with the ship. Environment, where the physical and the emotional "Going to the sea is amplified by boosting safety and self-esteem. Finally, among the main objectives, there was the study of aspects related to physical activity, related to the exercises of strength and precision of the upper and lower limbs, motor coordination and posture maintenance in children. dynamic conditions required by the practice of sailing. In addition, thanks to situations of necessity such as changes in wind direction or wave motion, cognitive processes such as attention, "problem solving" and "decision-making" are also stimulated. All this in ecological conditions and absolute security.

The activity took place at the Naregno nautical center on the island of Elba, sailing school since 1990, affiliated with the UISP and the Italian Sailing Federation (IVF) . 19659019] [ad_2]
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