Salvatore: "My life hangs on a thread: who can operate?" VIDEO


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After a trivial football injury, Salvatore Pezzano has 7 mm collarbone of the aorta and is not considered operable: from from this day, he lives like under a glbad bell, no matter what bump could kill him. He turned to The Hyenas to tell his story and make an appeal

"I live the worst period of my life, I am afraid of dying at any time ". It was the summer of Salvatore Pezzano . A summer that should have been full of joy, like that of any 19 years after maturity. For the boy instead every hour is a fight against death his situation is so delicate, so he is determined to solve it. Because he wants to come back to resume his life and also his greatest pbadion, that of football.

All is suspended by a wire after an accident. It's May 2nd, Salvatore is on the field in Milan for a match, one like a lot with his team in an oratory not far from home. He does not know that soon, an even bigger challenge will begin for him, a game for life . The tension, maybe a little gallop, the desire to win. Salvatore goes down on the field

He falls violently, slamming his shoulder on the ground. It looks like a fall like the others, instead it gives them an internal injury . Already in the emergency room investigations are beginning: tac, examinations, X-rays. The diagnosis leaves no way out: dislocation of the sternal clavicle in a very peculiar position, a very rare trauma .

"After this fall the clavicle is no longer in its original position .Now, it is just a few millimeters from the aortic arch", he explains, "I'm in danger of staying dry under these conditions." To share the drama there are friends and especially parents, mother Giusy and dad Carmelo, who have long desired this child.

" Doctors told me that I would have been disabled just a little fight that I stay dry," says Salvatore. "I spend those days in bed or at home. Because any action puts me at too high a risk. "

Just a push or simply a fall to bring the clavicle even closer to a vital area from which it is separated by only seven millimeters . years means giving up all the fun. "I can not even go out with my dog ​​or go to crowded places. I am more afraid of dying during an accident of everyday life than for an intervention. "

Because the only solution, according to Salvatore and his parents, is that of an operation, but doctors consider the risks too high for a 19-year-old, while remaining available for further evaluation.The whereabouts with hospitals are continuous.Avice: find someone willing to exploit it and tear it up from a life under a glbad bell.

" We do not see any solution such cases have been seen very few times. In Italy, if I had to be operated, I would be a guinea pig . And I do not want that, "Salvatore is released, who was forced to completely change his life.

He faces maturity by overcoming it with brio Depression is always a near risk:" I've eliminated the gym and football, my biggest pbadion. I have already lost eleven books in this state. I must pay attention to any movement to avoid trauma, but also because the pains come suddenly. "

Even in our interview, he accuses one of them:" I feel the muscles of my back. ] to the shoulder. Doctors do not advise me. We do not see solutions because such cases have been seen very few times. But I am determined to find a solution. "

And here he contacts us for to launch his call :" I ask all Italian and foreign doctors, including thoracic, cardiovascular and orthopedic contact me through The Hyenas "he says, looking for someone who can exploit him." In the hope that I can win the most difficult match of my life. "[19659007] Who can help Salvatore, can write to [email protected] .

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