Sanremo 2019 | Giorgio Pasotti nel cast?


Di Marcello Filogrbado

The successor attack of Pierfrancesco Favino

  Giorgio Pasotti

Launch of the indiscretion he settimbade Oggi [19659007]: secondo la rivista il direttore artistico nonché conduccore del Festival de San Remo 2019 Claudio Baglioni avribe puntato Giorgio Pasotti by includerlo nel cast della kermesse canora, in a similar ruolo a quello di Pierfrancesco Favino

The sessantanovesima edizione del Festival of the Italian Canzone april luogo presso he teatro Ariston de Sanremo dal 5 al 9 febbraio. Per quanto riguarda the gara, Baglioni avrebbe pensato a mechanic nuovo circa il reclutamento delle Nuove Proposte ovvero a talent show a parte che potrebbe magari essere inglobato nella in di Mara Venier [19659009] The Festival of Claudio Baglioni is the first public book with ascolitics superior to 50% of the role, with the migrations of the trio of predecessor Carlo Conti . FbManager
var FBManager = function (FB)
var pub = this;
var _p = {};

// Object FB
_p.FB = FB;

// the status of the current FB user
_p.currentUserFbStatus = "unknown";

// is automatic sharing enabled from BlogoUser?
_p.frictionlessSharingEnabled = BlogoUser.shareAppActive;

// timeout for automatic sharing
_p.fictionlessSharingTimeout = 10000;

// articles read on fb
_p.articles = null;
_p.articlesPerPages = 4;
_p.articlesCurrentPage = 0;
_p.fb_pushing = false;

// Check if a console exists
if (typeof console == "not defined")
_p.console = {log: function () {}};
_p.console = console;

var debug = false;

if (! debugging)
_p.console = {log: function () {}};

_p.isPushing = function () {
return _p.fb_pushing;
_p.setPushing = function (_v) {
_p.fb_pushing = _v;
_p.getPermalink = function () {
permalink var = (_p.permalink)? _p.permalink: window.location.href;
var _url = permalink.replace (/#.*/, "");
return _url;

// init
pub.init = function () {

_p.console.log (& # 39; FBManager init & # 39;);

// check Fb connection status
_p.FB.getLoginStatus (function (response) {

if (response.status === & # 39; connected & # 39;) {

_p.console.log (& # 39; Connected to FB & # 39;);
_p.currentUserFbStatus = & # 39; connected & # 39 ;;

var accessToken = answer.authResponse.accessToken;

// If the user is connected to the community, it is not necessary to continue
if (BlogoUser.loggedInCommunity) {
_p.console.log (& # 39; Connected to "Community" & # 39;);
_p.handleTabArticles ();
come back;

if (! BlogoUser.loggedInFacebook) {
// check if the user is registered in the community and in its interface
$ .ajax ({
url: BlogoConfig.siteUrl + & # 39; / ajax / is-logged & # 39;
xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
dataType: & quot; json & # 39;
data: {accessToken: accessToken},
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
_p.initInterface (data, response, xhr);
} other {
_p.console.log (& # 39; Not connected to FB, the current user status is: "+ response.status +"; & # 39;);

// raise an event for the loaded data
$ (window) .trigger (& # 39; FBManager.init_finish & # 39;);

pub.fbLogin = function () {
if (_p.FB) {
_p.FB.login (function (response) {
if (response.status == & # 39; connected & # 39;) {

_p.console.log (& # 39; Connected to FB & # 39;);
_p.currentUserFbStatus = & # 39; connected & # 39 ;;

var accessToken = answer.authResponse.accessToken;

// check if the user is registered in the community and in its interface
$ .ajax ({
url: BlogoConfig.siteUrl + & # 39; / ajax / is-logged & # 39;
xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
dataType: & quot; json & # 39;
data: {& # 39; accessToken: accessToken, & # 39; onlyFbLogin & # 39 ;: true},
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
_p.initInterface (data, response, xhr);
}, {scope: & # 39; e);
} other {
_p.console.log ('FB object not present');


// make the html for the menu and the comment box
_p.initInterface = function (data, response, xhr) {
if (data.ret == & # 39; ok & & 39; && data.userdata) {
// set the status of the current FB user
_p.currentUserFbStatus = & # 39; connected & # 39 ;;

// set the BlogoUser object
BlogoUser.loggedInCommunity = data.logged;
BlogoUser.loggedInFacebook = true;
BlogoUser.userdata.avatar = data.userdata.avatar;
BlogoUser.userdata.visibleName = data.userdata.visibleName;

// raise an event for the loaded data
$ (window) .trigger (& # 39; FBManager.facebook_data_loaded & # 39;);

// is registered in the community
if (data.logged) {
// replace the menu
if (data.profile_menu) {
_p.console.log (& # 39; Render Menu & # 39;);
$ (# Nav-profile & # 39; replaceWith (data_profile_file);
$ (# FbAct_Logout & # 39;). bind (& # 39 ;, {}, _p.logout);
// set shareAppActive
if (data.userdata.shareAppActive) {
_p.frictionlessSharingEnabled = data.userdata.shareAppActive;
// makes the articles shared
_p.handleTabArticles ();
} other {
_p.console.log (data.message);

pub.postAction = function () {
if (_p.isPushing ()) {
_p.console.log (& # 39; Push news.reads in progress … & quot;);
come back;
if (_p.isCurrentArticleAlreadyPushed ()) {
_p.console.log (& # 39; The current article is already pushed … & # 39;);
come back;
_p.setPushing (true);
_p.fbPostAction (_p.fbPostedAction);

_p.fbPostAction = function (_callback) {
permalink var = _p.getPermalink ();
_p.FB.api (
& # 39; /me/news.reads item = & # 39; + encodeURIComponent (permalink),
& # 39; & # 39 ;, post
function (answer) {
if (! response || response.error) {
if (response.error) {
_p.console.log (response.error.message);
} other {
_p.current_url_id =;
if (typeof _callback! = & nbsp; undefined & # 39;)
_callback (response);
_p.console.log (;

_p.fbPostedAction = function (_response) {
_p.FB.api (
& # 39; / & # 39; + _,
& # 39; & # 39 ;, get
function (answer) {
if (! response || response.error) {
_p.console.log (response.error.message);
} other {
_p.console.log (& nbsp; Fb news.reads pushed & # 39;);
_p.console.log (response);
_p.articles.splice (0,0, answer);
_p.renderTabArticles ();

_p.isCurrentArticleAlreadyPushed = function () {
if (! _p.articles)
return false;
var _data = _p.articles;
var _url = _p.getPermalink ();
var article_url = null;
for (var n in _data) {
article_url = _data [n] .data.article.url;
if (article_url == _url) {
// Disable
return true;
return false;

_p.handleTabArticles = function () {
_p.FB.api (& # 39; / me / permissions & # 39 ;, function (response) {
if (response.error) {
_p.console.log (& # 39; / me error: + response.error);
come back;

var publish_permission = false;
if ( &&> 0) {
for (i in {
if ( [i] .permission == & # 39; publish_actions && [i] .status == & # 39;) {
publish_permission = true;

if (publish_permission) {
_p.console.log (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;)
_p.fbGetActivitiesHistory (_p.gotActivitiesHistory);
if (_p.frictionlessSharingEnabled && BlogoConfig.pageType == & # 39;) {
window.setTimeout (pub.postAction, _p.frictionlessSharingTimeout);
} other {
_p.console.log ('No FB publishing permission');
_p.frictionlessSharingEnabled = false

_p.gotActivitiesHistory = function () {
_p.renderTabArticles ();

_p.fbGetActivitiesHistory = function (_targetFunct, _offset, _limit) {
if (typeof _offset == & nbsp; undefined & # 39;)
_offset = & # 39; 0 & # 39;
if (typeof _limit == & nbsp; undefined & # 39;)
_limit = & # 39; 100 & # 39;
_p.FB.api (
& # 39; /me/news.reads&#39 ;,
{method: get, limit: _limit, offset: _offset},
function (answer) {
if (! response || response.error) {
_p.console.log (response.error.message);
} other {
if ( {
_p.articles =;
_targetFunct ();
other {
_p.console.log (# FB news.reads data found & # 39;);

// makes the box of the article
_p.renderTabArticles = function () {

var _data = _p.articles;
if (_data == null)
come back;
var totalPages = Math.ceil (_data.length / _p.articlesPerPages);
var itemsCounter = 0;
if (_p.articlesCurrentPage < 0) _p.articlesCurrentPage = 0; if (_p.articlesCurrentPage > = totalPages)
_p.articlesCurrentPage = totalPages-1;

$ (# FbAct_Pages & # 39;). text ((_ p.articlesCurrentPage + 1) + "/" + totalPages);

if (_data.length) {
var start = _p.articlesCurrentPage * _p.articlesPerPages;
var end = Math.min (start + _p.articlesPerPages, _data.length);

// delete all

  • except the title
    $ ("ul.readarticles li: gt (0)"). remove ();

    for (var n = start; n < end; n++) { var title = (_data[n].data.article.title.length > _p.maxTitleLength)? _data [n] .data.article.title.slice (0, _p.maxTitleLength – 1) + "…": _data [n] .data.article.title;
    var tpl = & # 39;
    tpl + = & # 39;

  • & # 39; + title + & # 39;
  • & # 39 ;;
    $ (& # 39 ;. readarticles & # 39;). append (tpl);
    $ (# FbAct_ArticleDelete _ + _ data [n] .id) .bind ('click',
    {id: _data [n] .id, reminder: _p.removeArticlesPaged},
    itemsCounter ++;
    $ (& # 39; .shared articles & # 39;). show ();

    totalPages> 1
    ? $ (# FbAct_PageTab & # 39;). show ()
    : $ (# FbAct_PageTab & # 39;). hide ();

    $ (# FbAct_PagesPrev & # 39;). click (-1, _p.clickShowArticlesPaged);
    $ (# FbAct_PagesNext & # 39;). click (1, _p.clickShowArticlesPaged);

    _p.deleteArticle = function (_id) {
    for (c in _p.articles) {
    if (_p.articles [c] .id == _id) {
    _p.articles.splice (c, 1);
    _p.renderTabArticles ();

    _p.clickDeleteAction = function (_e) {
    _e.stopPropagation ();
    if (typeof _e! = & # 39; undefined && && {
    var anchor_id = #fbAct_ArticleAnchor _ & # 39; + _;
    var span_id = #fbAct_ArticleDelete _ & # 39; + _;
    $ (anchor_id) .css ({opacity: 0.5});
    $ (span_id) .removeClbad (& # 39; deleteRead & # 39;). addClbad (deleteLoad & # 39;)
    _p.fbDeleteAction (,;
    return false;

    _p.removeArticlesPaged = function (_response) {
    _p.renderTabArticles ();

    _p.fbDeleteAction = function (_id, _callback) {
    _p.FB.api (
    & # 39; / & # 39; + _id,
    & # 39; & # 39 ;, clear
    function (answer) {
    if (! response || response.error) {
    // hack hack … delete in any case.
    _p.deleteArticle (_id);
    if (_callback)
    _callback (response);
    _p.console.log (response.error.message);
    } other {
    _p.deleteArticle (_id);
    if (_callback)
    _callback (response);
    _p.console.log (& nbsp; Fb news.reads delete done successfully & # 39;);
    _p.renderTabArticles ();

    _p.clickShowArticlesPaged = function (_e) {
    if (typeof _e! = "undefined") {
    _e.preventDefault ();
    _p.articlesCurrentPage + =;
    _p.renderTabArticles ();

    _p.logout = function (e) {
    e.preventDefault ();
    var href = this.href;

    if (_p.currentUserFbStatus == & # 39; connected & # 39;) {
    _p.FB.logout (function (response) {
    // if a member of the community redirects to the project
    if (BlogoUser.loggedInCommunity) {
    window.location.href = href;
    window.location.href = href;

    $ (# FbAct_Logout & # 39;). bind (& # 39 ;, {}, _p.logout);

    back pub;

    window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
    FB.init ({
    appId: BlogoConfig.fbAppId,
    version: 'v2.2',
    xfbml: 1,
    cookie: true
    window.fbManager = new FBManager (FB);
    window.fbManager.init ();

    (function (d, s, id) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0];
    if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;}
    js = d.createElement (s); = id;
    js.src = "";
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);
    } (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
    Source link