Sanremo young 2019, the group Ascoli La Rua among the 69 selected – What to do


The group Ascoli La Rua will participate in Sanremo Giovani

Ascoli, November 2, 2018 – "We are among the 69 candidates for #SanremoGiovani ". The group ascolano La Rua announces the positive verdict on the Facebook page. "Maybe no one has taught us to stay on the carpet – the group writes in a post – we still have that kind of need for another round, maybe we have the bad habit of getting up, but what we have been doing for years is our work: doing concerts and writing songs, we have one in which we believe a lot and it is this … & # 39;At my age we fly ".

This is the title of the song with which the pop / folk band, led by Daniele Incicco (the other components are William D 'Angelo, Davide Fioravanti, Nacor Fischetti, Alessandro Charlie Mariani and Matteo Grandoni), Monday November 12 participate in the hearings in the historic headquarters of Rai Radio via Asiago in Rome. In all there are 69 artists that the Festival Music Commission, chaired by the artistic director Claudio Baglioni, selected from 677 total applications. Among the 69 artists, the winner of Voices Nuove Festival Volti Nuovi Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole (2018 edition) is also on the right.

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The 69 artists and artists from the Sanremo region (the latter will be heard at another session on November 26) will face "with music" in the last 24 places to participate in the first two nights live. on Rai1 on December 20th and 21st of the Teatro del Casinò di Sanremo: the first clbadified film of each evening will be on the stage of the Ariston Theater to be among the protagonists of the 69th edition of the Italian Song Festival from February 5th to 9th, 2019.

the musical command is directed by the artistic director Claudio Baglioni and composed by some of the professionals who will make the 69th edition of the Festival: Claudio Fasulo; Mbadimo Giuliano; Mbadimo Martelli; Duccio Forzano; Geoff Westley. The division ofthe 69 young people see 57 singles (22 women and 35 men) and 12 groups. The lion's share belongs to the center with 24 participants, followed by the south with 23 and north with 22. For the geographic detail of the regions: Abruzzo 1; Calabria 3; Campania 5; Emilia Romagna 6; Lazio 14; Liguria 3; Lombardia 8; Walk 2; Molise 1; Piedmont 3; Puglia 7; Sicily 6; Tuscany 7; Umbria 1; Veneto 2. The complete list of the 69 selected is published on the website

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