Search: Neuromed, Shield of Natural Sugar for the Heart After a Heart Attack



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Health Adnkronos

Search: Neuromed, natural sugar shield for the heart after the 39 ; infarction

Written by: Adnkronos Health

Milan, 4th of July. (AdnKronos Health) – From a natural sugar the future hope of a friend softening the heart. It has been demonstrated that trehalose – produced by various organisms such as plants, insects, yeasts or bacteria contained in honey and used as a food additive – reduces post-cardiac cardiac remodeling, the main cause of insufficiency. heart. This is suggested by a study conducted on animal models by the Vascular Physiopathology Laboratory of the Neuromed Irccs of Pozzilli (Isernia), in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome and the American Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.
The work, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, according to the authors could pave the way for more effective therapeutic interventions against "tired heart syndrome". An increasingly prevalent condition in the aging of Italy, where the decompensated heart is no longer able to pump blood as it should, then bring in oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues
"In recent years – emphasizes Sebastiano Sciarretta, Neuromed researcher and badociate professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, the first signatory of the article – the trehalose s'. turns out to be much more interesting than expected because it has been able to protect cells from various stressful situations, a protection that in our experiments, in particular, it reduces the damage of a heart attack, limiting the phenomenon Cardiac remodeling. We recall that heart failure affects only 15 million people in Europe. A real threat to the health of citizens and, we must not forget, for the national health systems budgets ". In addition to the prospect of new anti-decompensation treatments, experts point out "another extremely interesting aspect" from the new study: trehalose – explains Neuromed – exerts its protective action on cells activating the mechanism of the disease. autophagy, the most important systems through which cells are renewed and eliminate components that no longer work. A kind of recycling facility. "The ability to activate autophagy – says Sciarretta – puts trehalosis in the spotlight in many areas of medicine, including some neurological diseases in which the mechanisms of" cleaning "cells are defective."
Specifically regarding heart failure, they specify Siarretta and Giacomo Frati, co-head of the Laboratory of Vascular Pathophysiology of the Molccan Ircien and Professor at Sapienza, "we are facing an initial phase and a great deal of work. Further clinical studies will be needed before making badumptions about the therapeutic use in patients with a heart attack, but the prospect is extremely interesting – they badure – Trehalose is actually a natural compound already present in some foods, without side effects and which, being a sugar, could also be taken by patients as a natural sweetener, but with beneficial effects on the heart. "

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Adnkronos Health

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