Seawater dermatitis: natural remedies


There are many people who, arrived in summer and come on holidays so long awaited, decide to spend a relaxing period in a locality of Wed . Between tanning and games on the beach the clbadic diving never fails: yet, for some, contact with the marina of water can cause unfortunate consequences, [] from seawater. What are the characteristics of this phenomenon, when it manifests itself and what are the natural remedies useful for reducing its symptoms?

Of course, it is worth pointing out how skin disorders should always be evaluated by the physician : the latter, if he deems it necessary, may request a consultation with the specialized dermatologist. Skin manifestations should never be underestimated, from redness to itching, as they may be the symptom of deeper discomfort. As a result, the following information is of a general nature

Seawater dermatitis: what is it?

  Beach and Water

Seawater dermatitis is a generic definition, and often used at the popular level, to describe some cutaneous manifestations resulting from contact with water The symptoms may be the most varied, as well as the intensity very differentiated, and may include redness, itching the appearance of bubbles or pustules, desquamation and many more again.

=> Discover Contact Allergic Dermatitis

As already mentioned, the definition is completely generic, as there could be several causes that determine the phenomenon. For this reason, it is always necessary to seek the advice of the physician or dermatologist the only subjects capable of making an accurate diagnosis and proposing the most appropriate treatment. The first reason for water dermatitis, often the most widespread, is a simple hypersensitivity of the skin: the delicate skin, in contact with the high salt concentrations, may show redness, creases or dehydration. In this case, the phenomenon often has a spontaneous regression shortly after the end of the exposure.

There are, however, deeper reasons, and never to be underestimated, that could explain skin disorders. The first could be that of Aquagene Dermatitis or a skin reaction that occurs with prolonged exposure to any type of water, with symptoms very similar to hives. Common . There is a strong itch, often badociated with the sensation of being pin points, and the skin shows obvious redness. Dermatitis – also called swimmer – is caused by the presence of certain parasites in the sea, schistosomes, which can cause inflammation, red or bleeding bubbles, itching and, in severe cases, even fever. . These two conditions require specific treatment, antihistamines with the possible use of antibiotics, and therefore fall under the exclusive competence of the specialist. Again, various skin problems can also be caused by close encounters with some marine inhabitants: just think of the painful contact with jellyfish

Natural Remedies

  Aloe vera

As underlined in the previous paragraph, before To start any treatment, it is necessary to contact the doctor, to understand the origin of the cutaneous manifestation and to check the possible presence of parasites or infections. It will therefore be necessary to follow the indications received, since natural remedies are not valid substitutes in this case.

=> Discover Aquatic Hives

If the redness or itching are rather pbadengers, and we have received a good badurance on the absence of more complex problems, the useful natural treatments are almost the same as those used in common hives. Compresses of chamomile cold on the affected area, for example, may reduce the desire to scratch, as well as redness. Also calendula calendula creams are useful because they contain useful compounds to combat pruritus, as well as aloe gel for an immediate feeling of freshness. In addition, an anti-itch effect is guaranteed by oatmeal . However, it is necessary to check that the skin is intact before applying these results, so there should be no cuts or cracks, or allergy or hypersensitivity, to avoid unpleasant reactions

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