seven-day lightning regime (challenged by experts)


He has heard about it for some time, but for those who do not know it yet Dukan diet is based on the almost exclusive (and limitless) hypothesis of proteins and promises a rapid weight loss

"My method – explains the French Pierre Dukan who designed the diet – does not rely on the calculation of calories because it is not appropriate, psychologically, to overweight people who with food, they have an emotional relationship. They do not like to count, they like to eat. It is perhaps also for this reason that the Dukan diet has spread rapidly around the world, convincing more than 13 million people to try it.

But the regime of celebrity guru Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman, has raised many experts, who consider it harmful to health because lacking vitamins, minerals, plant fats and carbohydrates, essential to ensure the body's energy.

The former nutritionist (Pierre Dukan was irradiated by order of doctors precisely because of his diet which would imply an increased risk of incidence of certain diseases even in healthy subjects ndr ) proposes a mild version of the homonymous regime, plus sweeter : The Dukan Regime of the 7 Days (included in the volume of Sperling & Kupfer ]), based largely on the principles of clbadical but with some small significant variations such as, for example, the introduction of certain forbidden foods in the "clbadic" version.

Contrary to the traditional regime, divided into 4 phases (attack, cruise, consolidation, stabilization), the new diet Dukan develops on a weekly cycle : the 7 stages of the nutritional scale in which the Monday are allocated only the protein, and therefore white meat, fish, eggs, seitan, tofu, at will. Tuesday proteins come to help vegetables, still in unlimited quantities, but excluding starches, (so potatoes, legumes, avocados, corn), while the Wednesday introduces fruit (except bananas, cherries, grapes and dried fruits). Thursday add about 40 grams of wholemeal bread, "two slices", while friday is the day of cheese, to be introduced fresh or seasoned as long as it is low in fat (maximum 20%) and not more than 40 grams. On on Saturday one can have a meal starchy, then with pasta, potatoes, couscous, rice (the portions vary according to the food), while the Sunday Freedom, allowing a glbad of wine or a dessert, during one of two meals of the day, while the other keeps the Friday diet. And Monday begins again. A diagram, therefore, that can be visualized as a scale in which a step is added each day.

Every day we must add a tablespoon of his oatmeal, a "clbadic" element of the Dukan diet, drink at least a liter and a half of water and walk quickly for twenty minutes on Monday half an hour every other day. There is also a small novelty food: Dukan introduced green tea chili pepper to drink cold (according to the recipe and doses in the book)

With this new method is calculated a loss of 700/800 grams per week. Unlike the traditional Dukan diet, this new approach is better for those who are in no hurry and want to lose weight up to 15 kilos maximum, but want to keep up with their own pace. It has a variety of foods and is easier to follow for people with small carnivores or who have a limited attraction for protein

Pros and Cons of the Dukan Diet . What are the risks and contraindications?
According to the principles of the Dukan diet, the weight loss diet must be high in protein, and if fats and carbohydrates are almost absent, the result is rapid weight loss. With the reduction of carbohydrates (which is the body's preferred source of energy), the body is forced to change the type of fuel to derive energy from it, so that it uses the reserve fat. The Dukan diet has the advantage of allowing you to lose weight, but does not promote well-being and is not recommended for athletes because it is deficient in vitamins and minerals .

What are the risks if the plan continues in the long term?
A diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates can cause different diseases and symptoms. When proteins are digested, they produce uric acid that needs to be eliminated. Due to the large amount of protein, the kidneys have to work a lot and this could cause damage or aggravate existing problems. In addition, the high protein diet promotes diabetes because the blood has a higher acidity and insulin does not work properly

With the elimination of whole food groups, such as cereals, fruits, one could also meet nutritional deficiencies . In addition, following the Dukan diet, you may suffer from fatigue, weakness, bad breath, dry mouth, constipation or diarrhea, all the effects of a low carbohydrate diet. It is also important to consider the possibility that in the early days you may also have other symptoms such as nausea, headache, menstrual cycle delay or even absence.

It is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy or badfeeding and menopause. ] In the gallery the rules of the 7 day Diet Dukan (day by day)


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