Severus ends his widowhood


As we have already said in the preceding advances of the Spanish episodes of Il Segreto for Severo the fate was unfortunately difficult to overcome in the Serbian trials: one especially the death of Candela the beloved wife who will lose her life because of the cruelty of the ex-mother-in-law Venancia, who will make him believe that She has a small Carmelito [VIDEO] with him. Remaining a widower in such tragic circumstances is without a doubt difficult to overcome, even for a man of great strength like Santacruz, who, after a truly formidable period, will still be able to find serenity thanks to Irene a new character inserted by Aurora Guerra in the telenovela stories

Among the Spanish spectators who already know her, the young journalist immediately became a much-loved figure and that, although she will not forget Candela, she can surely love also by the Italian public. Indeed, we are certain to affirm that the love story between Severus and Irene will undoubtedly be one of the most exciting stories [VIDEO] views in recent years, thanks to a deployment of facts really not taken for granted but especially very engaging.

The secret Spanish anticipations: Severo falls in love with Irene

The arrival of Irene to Puente Viejo will immediately bring a big surprise: the child who will have with him will only not his son, but the piccola Carmelito the son of Candela and Severo whom the perfidious Venancia had previously disappeared just to carry out his excruciating revenge against the confectioner, his ex-daughter-in-law who considers him guilty of death of his son, a man however as malicious as she is.

When Severus learns the truth, which will be revealed to him by Irene herself, she will ask the girl not to leave Puente Viejo but to stay to continue taking care of the child as she does. Has done so far, with love and maternal dedication. . A reaction that will leave the journalist speechless and that will make him understand the extremely generous nature of Santacruz.

Obviously the request of Severus will be motivated also by the nascent love towards sweet Irene; both, at least in the beginning, will try not to be too involved, given the still open wound left by Candela's tragic death. Irene, however, will agree to stay in Puente Viejo and take care of Carmelito. The most recent anticipations of Il Segreto allow us to know that it will not be long before Severo asks for the hand of Irene . The Campuzano, moved and seventh heaven, can only be happy to consent to the romantic demand for his new love. Is everything ok, at least for once? We just have to wait for the next anticipations of Il Segreto to find out.

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