Sex, pleasure becomes "DIY" with cerebral orgasm


SUMMER does more and better. Complete the tanned skin, the most exposed body and the desire for lightness that allows us to put aside stress and work, in summer (especially on vacation) you have more bad at any age. Yet, someone stays out of this fact and is experimenting with new ways to get pleasure. And we are not talking about extreme practices, but rather thrills of pleasure but without bad. Inducing them can be ticking nails on the table, rustling pages of a book or a whisper. He is the ASMR ( autonomous sensory meridian response) More commonly referred to as Cerebral Orgasm a widespread phenomenon on the web and that is why it seems (but not there is data at the time) is much practiced mostly by young people

So while some people are suffering from compulsive badual disorder (ie badual addiction) only recently World Health Organization added to the new international list of mental illnesses of others prefer to dispense with the physical relationship and feel the pleasure of a cerebral bad.

It's a sensation that comes when our hairdresser dries his hair with the hair dryer, when someone flips through the pages From a book, you hear the rustle of leaves or just whispered phrases. Common situations that generate an impulse of pleasure in our brain and consequently on the body. To the point that we talk about cerebral bad, feeling of psychophysical pleasure and well-being, generated by whispering, rustling and ticking noises. The scientific term is the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), in Italian "autonomous response of the sensory meridian", was invented by Jennifer Allen, an American doctor who created a research site ( to deepen and spread the knowledge of this feeling. A few years ago, Time magazine devoted an article to this discovery, to investigate a growing phenomenon on the web. But what exactly is it? Initially, there was only one pleasant tingling sensation in the head that slowly radiated the whole body. Almost one shock from the brain descends along the back and accompanies a state of relaxation.

Is there really or is it simply a viral phenomenon? The world of science has begun to take an interest in this phenomenon. Craig Richard, a professor of biopharmaceutical science at the University of Shenandoah in Virginia, for example, created the Asmr University, a site where he publishes, for information, sector studies and surveys. . Sector studies focus on the effects of Asmr on certain areas of the brain that would explain the name of cerebral bad: early hypotheses suggest that the relaxation effect caused by sounds and situations is generated by the release of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, the hormones of pleasure.

"In fact – explains Roberta Rossi psychologist, psychotherapist and badologist of the Institute of Clinical Sexology of Rome – olfactory , visual and auditors directly affect our brain by activating feelings of pleasure without going through the bads.It is a bit like the talk of badual fantasies that also activate through one of these stimuli, for which it is enough to see or listen to something that was present at a certain moment of our baduality to release in us the memory or new erotic fantasies ". In short, cerebral bad is not so unlikely, but – adds the badologist: "It should demonstrate in the laboratory that people in front of the same stimulus understand exactly how this kind of pleasure is produced. For the moment we can consider the Asmr as a curiosity more than a scientifically corroborated phenomenon

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The fact remains that summer is for many the most erotic season and not only for personal reasons.The greatest propensity to baduality is not only the result of 39, an empirical observation.In fact, there are several research that have verified.A study of the University of Siena, for example, has shown that exposure to light increases production. of testosterone, which for both bades is the hormone that regulates desire. When these levels are high, the eros gets a boost and you have better fun under the sheets. "C & # 39; is true – confirms Rossi – that in the summer the badual desire increases because you are more relaxed, there is a bigger body exposure and also often the holidays are just looking for partner or adventure if you are single ".

But as always in summer which is the season during which the bad life is more active because you go on vacation and you have more time there is a lot of interest for these alternative forms of pleasure? "We are moving more and more towards the generalized individualism for which we tend to do it for baduality, avoiding the fatigue, commitment and potential conflict of a relationship – explains Rossi. In this way, the feeling of inadequacy towards the other is also eliminated ". The spread of this type of phenomena also reveals another aspect of modern baduality, namely that the focus is on bad as if the ultimate goal of baduality was only the same. fulfillment of badic pleasure. "Sexuality – says Rossi – is much broader and is indeed the full path that leads to the bad that is the pivot of badual intercourse.But instead, today, we tend to wear all at the level of performance rather than that of affective relations. "

On Youtube there are dozens of specialty channels in Asmr with millions of views Practitioners have already given a name: Asmr Artist or Whisperer (this last term is the term with which practitioners define themselves because the most effective stimulus seems to be that of whispering at the same time. Everyone has their own method, even if there are common traits.The man or woman in the video has taken over in the foreground, speaking in a whisper and touching the sides of the camera to simulate a physical contact.And even if there are videos with an erotic background, the sensation described by Asmr has no connection with badual urges. There are those who produce sounds by touching the microphone with makeup brushes or badgers (we suspect products for advertising purposes), those who draw with a pencil on a sheet, who chew hamburgers or scrape a brush for hair. The examples on Youtube are almost infinite. And the effect is always the same, among other things amplified if you listen with headphones in a silent context. Even in Italy there are Facebook groups and videos on You Tube like those of Diana Dew or other girls who brush their hair or whisper a little.

A separate cerebral bad, all baduality (and not just that of the youngest) is moving more and more online. "Sexual habits have changed from the way we know each other.Applications and social media have replaced the meeting on the one hand, but also the wooing phase that gives birth and grows desire. now, the mode is cooked and eaten immediately, "says the badologist, but the change also affects adults:" They do more virtual bad with messages and exchanges of erotic pictures and videos. All this has impoverished the desire for which there is less desire to make love and there is a decline in the important desire especially in the men "concludes Rossi.

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