Sgarbi: "Honorary Citizenship at Clooney's Admits It Salts Sutri"


"If we go to someone else's house we have to be careful." George Clooney I had the opportunity to meet him personally : I love him and I have nothing against him, but the production of his television series might have more care. " Vittorio Sgarbi deputy of Forza Italia in the House and first citizen of Sutri, municipality of the province of Viterbo, do not send it saying, as usual, not even to a Hollywood star like Clooney. The star of recent days was in Sutri, where the historian and art critic was mayor for a few months, for the filming of the TV series "Catch 22."

What do you complain about this set? The layer of soil placed to cover the pavement and restore the original appearance of the clay was removed slowly without any special precautions, causing the increase of irritating powders. My fellow citizens had to intervene. And the municipality had a modest contribution of only five thousand euros to accommodate the whole.

But you're not happy as mayor having had a set in the city like Clooney's? Our initial satisfaction with regard to the promotion of the city unfortunately turned into disappointment

If someone proposed to bring another set to Sutri, that would answer -you? I am not generally controversial about the presence of sets in our cities. They can have a positive effect on communication.

Next time, will you ask for more money to run to Sutri? The previous administration had not given specific instructions. But in the future we will ask for the contributions provided by the rate cards. I emphasize – I was not partial, indeed

In the end, however, we are talking about Sutri in the newspapers … after all, it's advertising, right? I am not naive. Of course, the result is that we are talking about Sutri. Mine – I repeat – did not want to be a generic controversy, but if it is indeed the effect. I did not preach to anyone. I only said that more attention was needed.

What reactions did you get from production? They claimed responsibility for the accuracy of their action

Do not be afraid of any lawsuits? I have detailed photographic documentation and the testimony of many citizens. It is not to admit responsibility, but perhaps some inattention. For my part, I am ready to accept explanations. And for the sake of Sutri and for Clooney 's esteem, I am ready to give him the citizenship of honor.

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