She becomes a mother at the age of 32 but dies of leukemia a few days before childbirth


A few months ago, the wonderful news of the arrival of a small creature after waiting and hoped for; then, the illness that had suddenly struck her won only 32 years . It is the history of Emanuela Balducci, teacher of Rimini who was unfortunately struck by a fulminant leukemia just before the birth of her child. [19659002] Emanuela managed to give birth but died a few days later, leaving her family members in deep distress but above all her husband who, shortly after having rejoiced at the birth of his first child, saw the love of his life removed. The touching story of the young professor of Rimini was told by Resto del Carlino who even yesterday, Wednesday, July 19, 2018 the day of his burial wanted remember it with a beautiful article

Unfortunately, a few days before birth, the health conditions of Emanuela had become very serious and after the first exams, for doctors, the chart Clinic was already completely clear. Immediately after the diagnosis, the situation of the teacher in Rimini fell so much that at the end of June, after giving birth to her baby, she immediately started to fight and possibly to be to win this terrible disease

. vain and did not give the desired results. The physicist of Emanuela already very weakened also because of childbirth, stopped fighting and Sunday, July 15 2018 Emanuela lost his fight against the leukemia. Her husband, her friends and all her family, even today, do not come to understand what happened especially because she was a girl, very kind but mostly in love children.

"Her eyes lit up when she spoke of her son" recalled the vicar of the school institute of Bagno di Romagna during the funeral of the professor: "From the first interview, Emanuela had struck me, showing a sweet and determined character."

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