Skye Savren-McCormick brings the woman who rescued her from leukemia at the altar


A story that tragically started that of little Skye Savren-McCormick who witnessed a diagnosis of leukemia at one year old. Her only chance of salvation – like many other girls in her condition – was to have a bone marrow transplant. An intervention not easy since it is necessary to be able to find a compatible donor. Fortunately for him, a young woman who crosses her path gives her another chance to live. And indeed Skye is now safe but never forgot who saved her. So much so that he accompanied his donor to the altar.

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Little chance of survival
Now, Skye is doing well and leading a normal life. But it was not so long ago, according to the CNN newspaper – he had a chance to survive by 10%. She was indeed suffering from a form of childhood leukemia and, without adequate bone marrow transplant, she could have survived. But her life line was a young woman unknown until the day before. He is called Hayden Hatfield Ryals.

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A rare form of cancer
Poor Skye was not only affected by cancer, but had to attend the appearance of a rather rare form called juvenile myelomonitis leukemia, a tumor that affects children from 1 to 9 years old. years. But something miraculous happened thanks to this thin and invisible thread that unites the lives of more people.

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The Life of Ryals
Hayden is 26 years old and until recently, she felt lost. He thought giving blood could help many people survive, but one day he unexpectedly decided to register as a bone marrow donor. A year later, he had the chance to do it for Skye. It was this gesture that really changed his life and finally started to have a purpose for living the rest of his days with greater intensity. "It changed everything, from then on it became my number one priority," says Hayden, but the donation is anonymous, so she and the kid did not know each other at all. another miracle happened shortly after

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Terrible News
When all seemed well, Skye's little parents had another heartache: their daughter had developed another form of cancer. It is a post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. This is also a very rare case, but fate wanted the little girl to witness other suffering. He had to undergo chemotherapy and other bone marrow transplants. But she was not discouraged and continued to fight. "He is a fighter and has the best attitude, I think everyone could learn something from this 3 year old girl," says Hayden.

Then, the meeting
Hyden, after the first transplant, decided to send an anonymous letter through the site Be The Match, the non-profit organization through which he donated marrow. In the letter he said how this gift finally gave a purpose to his existence. Initially, the Skye family responded with another anonymous letter. It is important to note that they lived in California during Hayden, Alabama, but that did not change things. Soon they exchanged e-mails, messages and phone calls at the current meeting: Hayden's wedding day.

An Extremely Moving Marriage
Needless to say, all the people invited to the wedding were immensely happy to see little Skye as a maid of honor. Nobody knew her, but everyone loved her. "There was not a keen eye in the room, you could even hear people's sobs," says wedding photographer Jannie Broadway.The little girl accompanied Hyden up to the altar and She extended the rose petals to the bride's pbadage: "There are no words to describe the emotion that I felt: when I saw Skye, I went to the house." see, I knelt in front of her but I could not say a word, the only possible reaction was to smile. "Hayden at ABC News.

She saved me
According to Hyden, it is Little Skye who saved her and not the other way around. In fact, he gave her the opportunity to look at life with different eyes and experience the serenity and peace of mind that she had never had before. "I never thought that I had helped him, because I was honored to do it, and it was a privilege for me to succeed in my eyes. she is the one who saved me ". But Skye's parents will never stop thanking her. "Hayden has saved our daughter's life, will be part of our lives forever."

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