Smac, the new lung tumor detection project


Smac, Multiple Action for the Health of Smokers is a free screening project for heavy smokers and former smokers . It provides low dose chest tactics badociated with intense anti-smoking activity. The goal, of course, is to arrive at a timely diagnosis of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases diseases typically related to cigarettes.


Cigarettes, smoking 45% of women. And tumors return to growth

Intended for smokers for more than 30 years or for former smokers over the age of 55, the protocol was developed by Giulia Veronesi head of robotic surgery section of Humanitas at the Oerative Unit of Thoracic Surgery led by Prof.

Alloisio, with the support of Humanitas Cancer Center, Humanitas University, Ministry of Health, Airc, Ats Milano Metropolitan City, Doctors of General Medicine and Umberto Veronesi Foundation

The Smac project will be presented Thursday 12 July at the Humanitas Congress Center on the occasion of the Clearly Meeting a multicentric European project of which Humanitas is the coordinator and in turn a part of the Transcan 2 program, included in Horizon 2020. The The meeting will be followed by the best European experts on cancer screening and translational research who will discuss lung cancer prevention by identifying circulating biomarkers and imaging diagnoses.

It is clear that the project targets people at high risk of tobacco exposure . The first participants are scheduled for September: "Thanks to screening – explains Veronesi – we can find tumors before they give symptoms of their presence, at a stage where they are operable in 80% of cases Currently, most patients arrive at diagnosis when symptoms appear, so with the disease already advanced and less chance of cure.In addition, thanks to screening, it is now possible to identify very small tumors that can be treated by minimally invasive and personalized robotic surgery, by saving most healthy lungs with functional recovery Elsewhere, as in the United States, screening is already a procedure standard since 2012, following international recommendations based on studies showing a reduction in the mortality of the population subjected to these badyzes compared with the witnesses: "Our objective is to involve the institutions so that pulmonary screening is also included in the measures of the Italian National Health Policy thanks to this pilot study carried out with the Ats of the metropolitan city of Milan and the family doctors "

In the research also comes artificial intelligence : a supercomputer It is formed with Tac screening images to ensure that at least 40% future it can perform differential diagnosis between benign and malignant lung nodules "avoiding biopsies and invasive procedures for patients" explains Arturo Chiti chief of nuclear medicine Humanitas and lecturer at the University of Humanitas

Among the many objectives of the study there are also implications of translational research [19] 459005]. The blood sample will allow to deepen the study on molecular markers of the tumor advancing in what is called liquid biopsy : "This means whether at risk subjects there are blood tumor cells, fragments of tumor genes or particular proteins, "explains Gioacchino Natoli researcher and professor of biochemistry at Humanitas University. Purpose then is to exploit these molecular tests or a combination of these for the early detection of tumors and other diseases related to smoking

Not only lung cancer.In fact, Smac provides some tests including calcium coronary CT and spirometry, for the detection of cardiovascular risk and the early diagnosis of emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Bpco). A low dose calculates the degree of calcification of the coronary arteries, which is directly proportional to the risk of heart attack or stenosis of the coronary arteries – explains Gianluigi Condorelli Director of the Cardiovascular Department of Humanitas and lecturer at Humanitas University – with screening, we can then arrive at a cardiovascular risk badessment of program participants and, if necessary, direct it to cardiological controls for prevention or changes in lifestyle and / or preventive treatments "


The Atlas of the Tumor, the Molecular Map to Target Therapies

The Smac Project Invests a Lot Also on Prevention Offering Personalized Routes in Its Center Anti-Tobacco, which help participants to stop smoking. In Smac, you can participate through your family doctor or by contacting the number 0282247371 or by sending an email to [email protected].

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