Spider Violin, boom reporting in Rome: shock reports – E & # 39; ALARM


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The spider fiddle, reports the boom in Rome: shock testimonials – E & # 39; ALARM

The violin spider (scientific name Loxosceles rufescens) returns to frighten, especially now it seems to have reached the capital. With the arrival of summer and the increase in temperatures, cases of bites have increased. To put it, it is Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist at the University of Milan.
It's a very shy spider that rarely attacks. His name derives from a kind of blackish drawing on the abdomen, similar to a violin. However, despite his reluctance to attack, several reports of people bitten by this spider arrived in a few hours.
We offer some.

The testimony of a victim of the violin spider: "Blurred vision, weakness and swelling" – EARLY RAGNO VIOLINO

From the Messaggero we take back the testimony of Isabella Onofrii, resident at Monte Mario "C was a bad misfortune, still I bring the consequences.I did not notice anything, I thought I had a mosquito.And instead."
Isabella, after an evening spent outside, heard two bites, one under the chin and one at the ankle.

In the following days, she began to experience mild pain and discomfort in the affected areas. After a few days, however, she began to see clouds and to feel a strong weakness and the swelling of the chin and ankle had become disturbing, extremely large and painful, while Isabella went to the emergency room to Gemelli hospital where it was quickly organized by the medical team.
"A doctor, seeing me in these conditions, she is afraid – she remembers – also because the bite of the violin spider can carry the streptococcus". A bacterium that can infect internal organs and cause serious discomfort to the kidneys, heart and lungs. "I had ten days of antibiotics, had a sore throat, I felt swelling inside. After treatment, I went to see a doctor." infectious because I still had sore throat Streptococcus is still active. "

His battle against the bite of the violin spider continues, three weeks after the sting:" You can recognize him because that when it swells, it is all black, all around you make red dots .. The black is because the part has entered the necrosis of the meat.I still have a part, on the leg where the diaper normal skin has not been recreated. "In addition to sore throat -" which also changed the tone of the voice, now it is more hoarse "- the spider poison also brought an extreme sensitivity to other bites, those of mosquitoes: "This poison has a mode activated by the defense, I react abnormally to the p insect bites and before that, it was not the case. "

Spider violin alarm, boom bites and signals." Here are the risks of the violin spider sting – THE TESTIMONY OF A SPIDER VIOLINO WOMAN

Another shocking testimony comes from Leggo, where to tell her difficult experience is Alessia Assenso, about thirty years old.
"On Thursday night, I got out of my car and I felt a slight pinch at the malleolus, after a few minutes, I saw that there was a blood point. I was not alarmed, I was just wondering what had stung me. During the evening, the itching came and during the night, the instep started to swell. "

The next morning, the foot continued to swell in an obvious way, but the woman was not too worried and decided to just use an antihistamine cream. Is not finished here.
Alessia continues to say: "Saturday I went to the hairdresser and she, seeing my foot, worried and dialed the number of Polyclinic Gemelli poison center.It was my hello, I will thank her always for that ".
Unfortunately, 48 hours after the puncture, the woman had to go to the emergency room, where she was kept for three days with antibiotic treatment, cortisone and a blood test to monitor the unpackaged values ​​of white blood cells


The violin spider (Loxocele recluse) is a poisonous arachnid, whose sting can cause severe symptoms in adults and children. It is an easily identifiable spider because it only has six eyes (most arachnids have 8) and a fiddle-shaped spot on the back.
A violin spider has a brownish yellow body like soil or sand, with a darker sign in the center. The legs are lighter and of uniform color without any particular sign.

Alarm violin alarm, boom punctures and signals – O THE VIOLIN RAGNO IS HIDDEN

This spider builds his spider webs in hidden places and hard to reach. It prefers dry areas with little traffic. Some typical points in which one can find it are the floors, the cellars, the cupboards, the shoes, inside the cardboard boxes or behind the paintings.

Spider-violin, reportage boom in Rome: shock testimonials – Here are the risks of spider sting violin

The venom of the violin spider is extremely poisonous, even more powerful than that of one rattlesnake. Nevertheless, this poison causes less damage than a rattlesnake bite because of the small amounts injected into its victims.

This poison is a collection of enzymes. One of the specific enzymes, once released into the victim's skin, causes the destruction of local cell membranes, disrupting tissue integrity resulting in local disruption of skin, fats and vessels blood. This process leads to the death of the tissue (necrosis) in areas immediately surrounding the site of the bite

Spider violin alarm in Rome, boom of "injured" in recent days: it is toxic – THE EFFECTS OF RAGNO VIOLINO'S TRÉPAN

The venom also induces an immune response in its victim. The victim's immune system releases inflammatory agents – histamines, cytokines and interleukins – that recruit specific white blood cells that fight the disease in the area of ​​the lesions. In severe cases, however, these same inflammatory agents can themselves cause injury. These poison side effects, although extremely rare, can produce these more serious side effects of spider bite such as:
• Destruction of red blood cells
• Low number of platelets
• Blood clots in the capillaries and loss of ability to form clots if necessary
• Acute kidney failure (kidney damage)
• Coma
• Death

Violin Spider Alarm, Boom Bites and Signals – ALL SYMPTOMS OF VIOLIN BITCHING

Violin spider bites often go unnoticed at the start because they are usually painless bites. From time to time, you may experience a slight burn or notice a small white bubble that looks like a bee sting.
Symptoms usually develop two to eight hours after a bite.
Victims may experience these symptoms:

• intense pain in the bite after about four hours
Severe itching
• nausea
• vomiting
• fever
• myalgia (muscle pain)

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