Spider violin, Gemelli's poison control center informs to avoid alarmism


Nowadays, especially at Rome a kind of psychosis has developed completely unjustified because of the fear of coming from the spider-violin . One of the last cases recorded occurred in Olbia, where a man was bitten by the arachnid . At first he thought it was the bite of a mosquito a few days later, however, the man discovered the true nature of the sting, so he went to the bathroom. 39; emergency. In any case, according to what is learned, the patient responded well to the antibiotic therapy [VIDEO] that was administered to him at John Paul II Hospital, so that he could resume a life normal

Danger of the spider violin: the answers of the poison center of the hospital Gemelli

The poison control center of the Gemelli hospital of Rome set up an information campaign to answer questions from citizens alarmed by recent news bulletins about the bite of the purple spider . In particular, the alarm about the dangerousness of the arachnid exploded in Rome in the southern quadrant, Dr. Maurizio Paolo Soave of Gemelli's Anti-Poison Center explains that many go to the Hospital for a simple puncture, convinced to have been bitten by the dreaded insect. The expert, however, points out that the spider-fox [VIDEO] scientifically known as Loxosceles rufescens, is not dangerous and does not attack the human only when it is in a dangerous situation.

It is a rather shy and solitary species, so the chances of being attacked are rather modest. Regarding the consequences of the puncture the expert explains that the venom injected by the arachnid causes a lesion characterized by edema, burning and swelling of the affected part, quite similar at the puncture of other insects, like bee or wasp. These are cutaneous lesions of a haemorrhagic and necrotic nature that derive from the inoculation of biological toxins, as is already happening in the case of the puncture of other spiders or insects such as hymenoptera (wasps). , hornets, bees) or marine animals. The wound in most cases heals without scarring; however, in the case of debilitated individuals, it may develop into general systemic reactions, such as general itching, fever, nausea, chills, vomiting and shocks. The expert finally points out that a real phobia has developed, with so many people coming to the emergency department dreading being bitten by the infamous spider because they feel a "pinch" . In any case, Soave concludes that there is no antidote, but reiterates that the bite of the violin spider is not lethal.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://roma.fanpage.it/ragno-violino-lesperto-in-molti-al-pronto-soccorso-senza-motivo-ecco-come-difendersi/
  • https: //www.ilmattino. fr / primopiano / cronaca / ragno_violino_morso_cura_come_fare-3867699.html https://www.notizie.it/ragno-violino-informazioni-centro-anitiveleni-gemelli/?refresh_ce

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