Star Trek: Zachary Quinto confides in the return of the casting in Tarantino's film


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Zachary Quinto spoke with MTV of the Star Trek film being developed by Quentin Tarantino . The latest updates in this regard go back to several months, when we learned that the director had recruited the writer Mark L. Smith author of the scenario of Revenant – Redivivo with Leonardo DiCaprio, to take care of the film. After a very disappointing chapter three at the box office, remember, the filmmaker had proposed to JJ Abrams and Paramount an idea to revive the franchise

When asked the possibility that the film in question will keep the same cast, Quinto explained:

I guess he's with us.

The film is still a long way off: Tarantino is currently busy with once upon a time in Hollywood so its likely will be the fifth chapter of the franchise, since the fourth one already has somebody at the bar. In fact, in April, Paramount announced that Star Trek 4 would be directed S.J. Clarkson (Bates Motel, Dexter, Jessica Jones, Orange is the new black).

The Actor added:

However, nothing is official before the contracts are written and signed. If I understand correctly, Quentin had this idea, they started to develop it, but now he's shooting Manson's movie. So, if we do, it will be after this movie. It's exciting, it would be strong.

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