Stefano De Martino leaves "Amici" and "L'isola dei Famosi" for Santiago


The last years for the dancer Stefano De Martino were full of satisfaction. The former husband of Belén Rodríguez was a historical face of talent show " Friends of Maria De Filippi " as she is part of the cast of the ninth edition.

Stefano De Martino later decided to accept the proposal received from Alessia Marcuzzi to be the chronicler of " The Isola dei Famosi" . An experiment started under the banner of criticism, but over time he managed to be appreciated by the public and supremely replaced his predecessor Stefano Bettarini .

The Weekly "Chi ", directed by Alfonso Signorini revealed in advance the future television of Stefano De Martino . In the column of the magazine " Chicche di Gossip " it was written that the dancer will not participate in the distribution of " Friends of Maria De Filippi " nor in that of "The Isola dei Famosi ".

On the weekly we can read that the goal of Stefano De Martino is to stay as close as possible to his son Santiago : " It's official: Stefano De Martino will not be sent the next edition of the Isola dei Famosi, directed by Alessia Marcuzzi.The former dancer, who currently will not come back to Amici , suffered because of the distance of his son and refused the proposal that arrived a few days ago on the table of his agent. "

Stefano De Martino Does s & # He is never hidden from having suffered from the removal of his son Santiago during his stay at Honduras . In an old interview of the broadcast "Verissimo ", he recounted the moving moment in which he and Santiago met again after the reality show: "The first day I went there To take him to school without his knowledge, when he came out and saw me it was a beautiful time. I cried, but since I was a father, I am He's five years old, you lose a lot of things in three months. "

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