Stop donating blood, but not in Rovigo


Stop donating blood because of the risk of West Nile virus for those who, even if only for one night, were in Polesie. The National Blood Center, in fact, has quarantined our province with regard to donations: there are 24 provinces on the blacklist (including all Veneto except Belluno) as well as some foreign countries (Greece, Serbia, Austria, Romania, Hungary, United States and Canada)

This means that those who were in Polesine will not be able to donate blood for 28 days after their stay here: the incubation period maximum of the disease.

A different discussion for Polesani: in Rovigo (and other transfusion centers in the province) donations will continue normally because laboratories usually perform the Nat test against West Nile , being Our region is in danger

But the National Blood Center takes a stand: "The system holds – says director Giancarlo Maria Liumbruno – but it is recommended everywhere the adoption of the Nat test". [19659002] CNS monitoring of blood donors is consistent (there is already 13 positivity in donors) and effective. "The Spread of West Nile Virus – Adds Director of the Center, Liumbruno – can worsen the blood shortages that are recorded every year in summer, when heat waves and beach vacations push the regulars to desert the rendezvous with the collection centers. And it is here that the Regions can intervene, by adopting for example the Nat tests even in the provinces not affected by the virus to avoid resorting to the systematic suspension donors. "

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