Strega Award, Janeczek wins: "I tell the story of Gerda, is the symbol of the free woman"


After 15 years, a woman returns to win the Strega Award. Helena Janeczek triumphs with 196 votes for her novel "La ragazza con la leica" (published by Guanda). A success that changes the history of the award for two reasons: the last writer to have won was Melania Mazzucco with "Life" in 2003. Since then, only men. "I'm happy – she said in the end – I hope that after me there will be many more". But this is not the only big change.

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The prize was the monopoly of the major publishing groups for several seasons: this time, Guanda won, the initials of the group Gems. Janeczek's book is the biography of Gerda Taro and tells the story of the photographer with Robert Capa, as well as that of the Trento generation in the Spanish Civil War. Janeczek born in Germany in 1964, lives in Italy since 1983.

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"I chose to tell the life of Gerda because it is the symbol of a free and independent woman, who believed in her beliefs. "

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Second Marco Balzano with" Resto who "(Einaudi) with 144 votes and the third Sandra Petrignani with & c. Portrait of Natalia Ginzburg & # 39; (Neri Pozza) with 101 votes. The fourth Carlo D & # 39; Amicis with & gt; 39; Il gioco & # 39; (Mondadori) with 57 votes and the fifth Lia Levi with & # 39; Tonight is already tomorrow & # 39; (Edizioni E / O) with 55 votes. Paolo Cognetti president of the last edition of Premio Strega presided over the siege

A triumph of applause and happiness at the table of the Gems Group for which, since its constitution, it is the first victory of the Strega Prize. President Radiant Guanda, Luigi Brioschi who points out that "the Witch rewards an original book, an unmistakable voice of literature and an author who has an indisputable literary profile, and also rewards an editing house who has strongly believed from the beginning in the novel by Helena Janeczek and has seen its growth grow. "Stefano Mauri, president and CEO of the Gems Group comments with a joke:" I'm happy for the Witch, for this recognition ". 19659010] in reproduction ….

With "The Girl at Leica", Janeczek, writer The Italian naturalized German, of Jewish-Polish origin, is also at the head of the fifth Strega Campiello Prize Of Jewish-Polish origin, Helena Janeczek, 54 years old, lives in Lombardy and works as a editor at Mondadori

In his production the volume Lessons of Darkness – largely autobiographical – has been published in the pre first edition for Mondadori. in 1997 and was reissued in 2011 by Guanda. The book won the Bagutta Opera Prima Award. In 2002 it is the novel Cibo . It follows, for the Saggiatore, Bloody Cow the story of Clare Tomkins, the first victim of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, commonly known as "mad cow". For Guanda, he published The Swallows of Montecbadino to tell about the presence of Poles, Pakistanis (and other forgotten nationalities) in one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. .

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