student burns while doing gardening work


There are many students who do chores from time to time to earn money. And that's exactly what a boy named Alex recently did. His idea was to do gardening work during the summer season. However, collided with a fairly common plant – also in Italy – called Heracleum. Maybe few of you know him by that name, but it's an umbrella very similar to the other cousins ​​ like Angelica, Caraway and Carrot. wild. Piracy in Heraclemu, however, is not painless at all and can often be accused of symptoms so serious that it requires first aid intervention.

Plant Burns
It 's called Alex Childress, has long lived in Virginia and his idea was to save money for the university. After gardening, however, he realized that his skin was changing and began to burn heavily. "We were working outside a factory and I cut a bush when he fell down and touched my face." Initially, I did not do as much because it did not work. "It happens often," Childress explains, "It was only after a short while that he realized that his face and arms were completely burned.

First Aid. emergency
Alex's skin appeared to be completely burned and for this reason he was rushed to the emergency room.Medical staff told him to take a shower for an hour and a half, after which he kept him in a hospital room for two days with the light extinguished.The sap of the plant – which affected the skin of Alex – is indeed very phototoxic.If it was exposed to sunlight or to UV, it has become even more dangerous. "Chemicals in the lymph can cause photodermatitis or photosensitivity, where the skin becomes very sensitive to the sun and can be highlighted by blisters, pigmentation and long-lasting scars, "reads the website of the Royal Horticultural Society. the burn "width =" 560 "height =" 373 "/>

Alex after the burn (Screenshot of GoFoundMe page)

The request for help
The boy now needs financial support to cover medical expenses and go to the universities. "I do not ask for help, I always try to help others when and where I can, but now I really need help.I will not be able to work for the rest of the summer, and we do not know if the insurance of my employers will cover medical expenses.I have a grant for Virginia Tech with the ROTC army but I could end up losing it because of this problem, "says Alex, who has now managed to ambad – across a page of fundraising – about $ 17,000.

The plant
The plant, also known as Panace di Montegazza, contains a sap whose chemicals may be They react with light when they are in contact with human skin, hence the formation of blisters. The plant is similar to other umbellifers but can reach a height of 150 centimeters, although there are specimens of only 40 centimeters. In Italy it is present in all regions – from 0 to 2400 meters high – except for Sicily, Apulia and Sardinia.

Read also: The man reports very serious injuries after mistakenly touching a common plant
A boy comes into contact with one of the most common plants in Italy, but causes him some injuries so severe that he must perform three operations to avoid losing the use of the leg

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