Summer, 10 things to do now to get back to work without anxiety


The return of vacation is a time that millions of people live with a lot of stress . Back in the city, within the walls of the office, with the prospect of facing backward commitments and new tasks, release psychological mechanisms that generate discomfort and anxiety. "In recent years, the problem seems to be further aggravated because, in fact, we return to work already tired: technology, which allows us to be always connected, sometimes turns out to be a double-edged sword, and many of us do not they ever leave, even on vacation. "To do this is Maria Vittoria Mazzarini Smartworking expert of Methodos Italia, a company of advice that supports businesses in change management processes Smartworking, however, should mean something else: "It means managing the work and the personal dimension in a smart way, with the aim of finding well-being and productivity in the workplace. both. "

Holidays are a golden opportunity to recharge energy and start over with new ideas and, why not, with new, healthier habits. Here are Methodos' advice , some to put into practice from now on, to resume work in September, in a very "smart" way.

Before departure – an innovation meeting with all the team. "The return anxiety decreases if you already know that there will be an appointment not to establish commitments or tasks, but to exploit the still free and rested spirit to innovate processes. , tasks or work arrangements – explains Mazzarini – It's fair time to propose new projects and introduce new technologies to facilitate sharing. "Organization of a healthy breakfast .This is the moment plan activities in a friendly and relaxed way, avoid jumping right into the to-do list and start the meeting with a creative idea, reflecting on the lessons learned during the holidays and applying them to the work. choice of breakfast : tasty but balanced, so this moment can become an opportunity to introduce new healthy habits and regular meetings with the whole team. animate the first day of work in 'smartworking' mode. If there is the possibility of working remotely, the first day of work can be more profitable and certainly less stressful. Make a list of return activities now. The logic with which to plan the activities of the week will be progressive: start with small tasks to clear the ground and then devote yourself to the most demanding things. Plan moments of well-being. In the summer, gyms make many reductions before the month of September: why not take advantage now? You save money, you avoid an extra task and you are immediately ready to get back in shape. Pay attention to health. If your company provides a wellness platform, it's a good idea to make the September appointments now to check your health. So, again, we do not think about returning and we get the best times and the best days.

During holidays – Introduce good habits to keep in the fall. "On vacation, many of us start doing yoga, play sports, take a morning walk – Methodos' expert notes – why not continue going home? all: cut out 15 minutes of meditation every morning. "

Immediately after the return – Keep the mode " out of the office "even on the first day .This trick is to reduce the expectation of an answer immediate and manage late emails and other activities in a quieter way.These are unread messages that generate anxiety among those who come back: but there are many email management systems that Do not let you end up with a mountain of mail to eliminate, like Sanebox ( Make a bike sharing subscription.Since you are moving more on vacation, it's a good idea to Use this attitude to make a decision that is often mentioned: go to work pedaling, so it's a good time to subscribe to a bike sharing service. In the office with the kids Schools have not yet started and found Babysitters or alternative solutions are often complicated, so why not take your children with you? The idea is to get along with the bosses and colleagues to create a small group of children and organize activities dedicated to them.

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