summer sickness, the threat comes from hay fever



Itching in the eyes, watery eyes and still runny nose and strangers continue: if these are the symptoms, then you suffer from allergic rhinitis. Here are the most effective remedies to cure

  Summer Disease

Courtesy of © Cecilie_Arcurs / iStock

The disease of the summer extinct! Getting sick while everyone goes to the beach is not nice at all. In reality, it is not so rare to end up with the so-called hay fever or allergic rhinitis if you prefer. What is it? From a typical seasonal illness that causes itching, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing. Well yes, the symptoms are the same as those of a cold, but there is a difference: the fault does not come from a virus but from allergens that cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa .

Nothing pleasant. But there is to say that the enemy can be defeated. First of all, however, we must know it. What do we know about this hay fever? It is a pathology that appears between March and August. Pollen has its share of responsibility: obviously, everything depends on where you live, whether in town or in the countryside. The consequences may be different. The site Metro (Uk) suggested simple but practical remedies for this annoying allergic rhinitis. Following the instructions, it will be possible to improve the quality of life.


Taking an antihistamine in the morning should calm the symptoms. They are available as a nasal spray or ophthalmic drops. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor


If you have ever tried to stop the symptoms, a decongestant could help calm the cold and release the nose giving relief

Vaseline in the nostrils

could be to apply vaseline to the inside of the nostrils: thus to block the pollen.

Taking a shower and washing clothes

Eliminating pollen from the body as well as clothing could be another helpful tip to reduce symptoms. Also, you should avoid drying clothes in the garden or balcony. If possible, it would be best to spread them at home.

Wearing sunglbades

Even the eyes pay the consequences. So much better to wear wraparound sunglbades. They could be really helpful in stopping the watery eyes.

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